8. Capabilities And Priorities

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Dominic was late.

It was all her fault.

Dominic hopped on one leg as he put on his shoe, stumbling into the open space kitchen where his wife sat, having a breakfast of oatmeal, cut fruits, and a disgustingly green smoothie.

"Good morning." She said with her poker face intact, but he thought he saw a corner of her lips twitch, just a bit.

The couple used to wake up to Nicola's alarm. Dominic had not kept one out of habit and she had not shown the courtesy to wake him up either. Bitch.

Then again, why should she?

He was her estranged husband, not her child.

"What is this?" He grabbed the smoothie and without waiting for a response gulped it down.

"UGH!" He placed the glass down on the breakfast aisle with a bang. "That's disgusting. What was that?" He asked again.

"My health smoothie for estrogen balance." Nicola fought to keep her face neutral as she watched her husband's face morph into absolute horror.

"You might end up growing boobs overnight." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Please. Shut up." He popped a grape in his mouth to get rid of the aftertaste and then smirked. "Is this your secret to those perfect goods?"

"Maybe?" She tilted her head. "Want the recipe for Natasha?" 

He gave her a flat look. The taunts were never going to end. 

"Okay bye." Dominic dipped down and placed a kiss on her lips before hurrying out of the place.

"You said-" She started but he cut her off.

"I said I will keep my fingers off. Not my lips."

And he was off.

She didn't move until she heard the elevator door close.

"Ha!" She exclaimed as she jumped off the kitchen stool. "Ha!" She fanned her face as she looked around, feeling all the rage in the world.

"Well, did you actually expect Dominic Jeremiah Grant to play fair?" She paced the space.

"He wanna play dirty? I will show him dirty!"

Though Dominic and Nicola did not really sync in any other areas of their marriage, she was very confident about what effect she had on her husband on the primal level.

She was going to make her husband feel so sexually frustrated that he actually ended up cheating on her if he hadn't done it already and then she could get rid of her biggest heartbreak forever.

It was a vile thing to do.

But honestly, Nicola didn't care.

She had spent years hiding all her pain and suffering behind a poker face. She deserved real happiness and for that she needed to settle all the old accounts.

And that was what she was going to do.

By hook. Or by crook.




Keith Foreman. 

THE Keith Foreman. 

He was going to be playing the role of Nicola's male lead, Ian Stanley. 

The director Solomon Qwent had come personally to let her know of the good news. As for the female lead, they were going to hold an audition because they wanted a fresh face and Solomon had come to also invite her for the audition chair because he believed no one would recognize the character, Ilm Walden, like Nicola would.  

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