31. FaceTiming

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"You really are a cheat, Dom, and the right thing for you to do is to leave her." Natasha said, "That is if you respect her."

"Yeah, so that you can have him!" George sneered as they watched the video Heather recorded, on Nicola's computer.

"Don't you two have anything better to do?" Nicola asked, sounding bored even though the angel on her shoulder was so happy watching the part where Dominic told Natasha that they shouldn't be friends anymore, that she was flying around playing the harp while the devil followed with a pair of scissors to cut off her wings.

"Boss, your husband wants nothing to do with the other woman anymore. I think this calls for  celebration!" George exclaimed.

"Anything and everything is celebration-worthy in your book." Blair rolled her eyes.

George shrugged. "Boss, food?" He turned to Nicola with his puppy face. 

"No thanks. I am nauseous." Nicola shook her head and went back to her tablet. She had the meeting with Qwent and was choosing the best possible scenes that would determine the perfect Ilm Walden in the audition that was to be conducted on Saturday. 

"I thought it passed." George stationed his butt on her desk while Blair walked over to the other side and sat down on a chair. 

"Yeah sure, buddy. Pregnancy symptoms only last a day!" Blair rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah?" George didn't get the sarcasm. 

"Please stick to graphics." Nicola waved him off and turned to Blair and shrugged, "At least  I am not puking my gut out these days." 

"That's what happens when you only eat salad," Blair said. "Wait till the cravings hit and you eat all things triggering. Your first trimester will be quite promising and if you are God's favorite, the other two trimesters as well." 

Nicola shuddered. "Don't scare me. God doesn't exactly like me to begin with." 

"I am starting to think he has changed his opinion of you now that you act like you have a soul." George smiled sweetly at her while she gave him a death glare. 

"I agree with him on that." Blair nodded.

"Why do you two lounge around in my office at all times?" Nicola decided to shoo them off. 

"We are giving you company." George grinned. 

"My Dad already gave me one." Nicola shrugged. 

George cringed. Blair cringed. Even the angel and the devil on her shoulders stopped to cringe. 

"That was so bad." Blair sighed. 

"Yep, pregnancy has blunted your humor." George got off the desk. 

"Okay, king of jokes!" Nicola rolled her eyes as the duo waved and left her alone for a while. 

"I miss my Dad," Nicola said out loud and then scrunched up her face. Why the hell was she missing her stupid Dad? And if she did miss him, what was stopping her from calling him?

She quickly tapped on her computer and FaceTimed Mathew Montgomery. 

"What's wrong?" The man asked as soon as he picked up the call. "Are you okay?" 

"I am okay." Nicola was confused. "What could be wrong?" 

"No, you called." He was tinkering with the position of his iPad before he finally sat back in his office chair. He seemed nervous. "You rarely call." 

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