Chapter 25

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Sailing wasn't so bad once Jaune got his sea legs under him. After a day or so of throwing up, things got easier, the weather evening out and the open sea providing a relaxing view as far as the eye could see. Though he heard the occasional calls and voices of sea life, including a domestic argument amidst a pod of whales, he chose to stay quiet and not invite any more viral appearances online. One instance of entertaining dolphins with music was enough for him currently.

He did, however, listen in on what almost felt like "reports" from various fish. Most of them weren't as coherent or measured as the dolphins, being little more than statements and sharp sounds, but it was interesting to see the differences in vernacular. A shoal of tiny fish was the worst, with Jaune having to cover his ears as thousands of voices spoke at the same time, somehow in unison as they swam and dodged predators like a singular hivemind. The voices of those predators were drowned out by it but given the absolute buffet on offer he doubted they were unhappy.

The presence of fish did mean the absence of Grimm, however. Though Grimm didn't hunt fish from what he knew, fish didn't like them. Intelligent fish like dolphins saw them as enemies, while simpler fish like sardines simply saw them as big and dangerous, and thus best avoided. He wasn't sure what sharks thought – and didn't really want to swim with any to find out – but the fact that there were fish, meant there weren't Grimm. The sailors held to the same opinions, call it superstition or just observation, and were relaxed whenever large shoals were about.

A day or two later, the landmass that was Anima appeared on the horizon, still half a day out but close enough to see the peaks and greenery in the distance. As they drew closer, more ships dotted the waters, fishing, offering tours, transporting goods and such. The birds appeared too, closer to the shore hunting fish or indulging in all the tasty food dropped by people.

"It's a game to them, I think," a seagull that had come down to perch on the railing above Jaune's head said to another, younger one. "No one quite knows why they like to do it, but maybe they find it fun."

"And they give us food for it?"

"Sure. Watch!"

The seagull launched down and dive-bombed a woman holding a plastic plate with some fries and vegetables on it. She yelped and panicked, dropping several of them on the deck. The two gulls darted in to devour them as the woman scampered away.

"See? I told you."

"Wow. Why do they make us do that, though?"

"I guess it must be fun for them."

"Can't we just ask?"

"Nah. They shoo you away if you do. Playing hard to get, I guess. You have to impress them by flapping your wings near their head."


Jaune rolled his eyes and turned away, not feeling the need to intervene and educate Argus' population of seagulls. Talking to animals was interesting for sure, but it only opened a can of worms once you realised they had their own cultures. Plus, it was hard to eat certain foods now. Burgers and the like were fine since they no longer looked like animals, but if someone served up a roast chicken that still had its shape, then Jaune wasn't sure he'd be able to eat it. Some people ate dolphin, too. Knowing how intelligent they were, the thought made him sick.

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