A new chapter in life

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Francisco was in his interior bathroom for the past week. He did not dare to even leave his bathroom. Since the war, society collapsed, and money was worthless. Despite his fear, he decided to leave, to find anyone. He was running out of food. Grabbing a backpack and some basic needs, he left the bathroom with his cat. He saw the full moon, which illuminate his used to be town. He needed to leave before he got radiation poisoning.

As he learned by a running radio, not only 45 bombs were set up, but over 1280 nuclear weapons were detonated. Over 83% of all humans were just gone. However, the animals' management survived. Even thou the earth was severe, mother nature will find a way to recover. And life will go one, one way to another.

The big question is: Will mankind live on and recover. However, he didn't know any other human survived. He decided to leave Florida and start a new life. An atomic life.

Craig, Bernard, and Jessica were just sitting in the bunker for the past week. For the first few days, they can hear screaming, crying, and this disturbing chripping sounds. That humans had made. However, as the days turned to a week, all they heard was dog barking and fire cracking. They come to turns that Craig parents most like died in the blast. Craig sat in the conner just motionless. Craig hoped that his friend had made it out.

Kelsey POV

She arrived at her dad's house with the giant bunker. As she entered the bunker, they heard the blast. Kesley made it in just in time. Her dad got here a few hours later and had some injuries. For the first few days, it was fine with the board games and having a table tennis set. But after a week, they both grew on board. Kelesy just wished everyone made out alive.

In fact, she even wrote a journal.

Day 1: The war has started, and I never this day would come. I thought nuclear war would never happen. I hope friends are alive and well.

Day 2: Played table tennis and played board games

Day 3: I already miss my old life

Day 4: Dad is not feeling well. It must be than radiation poisoning

Day 5: Mortimer is keeping me more company than dad. Dad barely moves. He is throwing up and is feeling dizzy.

Day 6: Dad never woke up. More likely, the radiation has taken over. Dad reunited with mom.

He's just gone.

Day 7: I can't take this, everyone is dead. I have low food. I have something........sharp. I just can't. Mom and dad, I'll see you soon


2 days later: Craig pov

This is boring. We have been there for a week now, and Craig thought to himself.

Before he could go get food, he heard pounding at the door. Bernard ordered Craig and Jessica to go deeper to the basement as he opened the door.

When he did, he saw Alexis with gas masks asking where Craig was. Craig then appeared at the door to greet them. They then suggested leaving Herkleton for the midwest.

Bernard, at first thou it was bad. However, he decided to start a new life in a ranch in Idaho as it wasn't affected by radiation. He wants to start a new life in Nebraska, so they can live in the ranch together.

As the three of them left the bunker, they saw what was left of their former town.

Wait, what about my friends, Craig said.

We'll find JP and kelesy, "Bernard said

Maybe the creek kids can start their new life in Nebraska

Craig of the Creek Taken life for grantedWhere stories live. Discover now