Part 3

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"Aaarrgghhh........" When Jungkook pushes one more time, his child is finally born and lets out a little cry. Jungkook watches the nurse carry a small body in her hands, with his legs spread wide as he stares in weak detail. Even though the labor took more than ten hours, the suffering was worthwhile. How he wished Taehyung was with him, holding his hand and whispering comforting, reassuring words.

Another nurse remarks, "there's too much blood," as she fixes her gaze on Jungkook's bare lower body. They were employed to assist Jungkook in giving birth. Male childbirth was risky, and there was very little possibility of survival, especially under these circumstances.

Jungkook spent the final months of his pregnancy in the cellar of the Kim mansion.

Considering he had lived there for four months; the room was small but clean. It just had the bathroom, a dresser, and a bed. Not a single window or anything else was present. In order to prevent him from attempting to flee, Jungkook was permitted to walk the estate grounds every day late at night with Kim Hoseok and Yoongi. In his pregnant state, how was he capable of attempting anything.

Taehyung's elder brother Hoseok was the one who played a trap on him to make his whereabouts known. Months after departing, Jungkook called Yoongi, who assured him they would support Taehyung and him. Because they had always stood by each other, Jungkook foolishly believed him.

Hoseok appears to desire to be the only Kim heir since he is aware that Taehyung would lose motivation to accomplish anything in the absence of Jungkook. Finding Jungkook would be Taehyung's primary priority, not taking care of the Kim's empire. The senior Kim's' would not stand for that, and they would disown him for it.

Before he knew it, he was being subdued by a group of hefty men who had arrived at his house. Because he was six months pregnant, Jungkook was unable to defend himself. Then, with snickers, Hoseok and Yoongi burst into the room, telling him how foolish he was to think they could help. 

Taehyung's grandmother Kim Ursula entered the room as Jungkook sobbed and pleaded to be released. The woman approached Jungkook and gave him a slap across the face, declaring that the child growing inside of him was a Kim and would grow up to be one.

Four months, he spent the last four months in that small room with nothing but his memories of him and Taehyung. 

One thing Ursula did was to assign Park Jimin to be Jungkook's personal maid. He and Jimin were actually university friends, but she didn't know that. No one knew that, not even Taehyung. Together the two devised a plan to save the baby. Jungkook wanted to make sure his child was safe and away from these individuals, even if it wasn't him.

Jimin would constantly update him on the goings-on around the house and with Taehyung, who appeared to be completely lifeless and was treated like a walking corpse. His lips could no longer grin, and his eyes were lifeless. Jimin offered to let Taehyung know that he was there, but Jungkook turned him down since he knew they would have to wait till after the baby was born.

As Jungkook lay there, he felt every ounce of strength leave his body. He feels certain he can touch and vanish into the darkness if he lifts his hand. His legs went limp to his sides as the room around him whirled. Although he doesn't want to die, it appears like he won't live to see his child grow up.

A distant voice says, "it's a boy," but Jungkook can't keep his eyes open. He's tearing up inside because he understands that this is goodbye.

Jungkook felt weak all over and he was sure if he were to get caught up in the wind, he would be carried away.

No, please........

It's not fair.......why is life so unfair?.....

As dark approaches, Jungkook sobs, but he battles the darkness so he may at least see his child. The voice says, "here," and he feels something touch his chest. With all the last strength he had, Jungkook opens his eyes and flimsily wraps his arms around the little body.

A distant voice whispers, "I can't stop the bleeding," but all Jungkook can do is focus on the tiny bundle he is holding. Gazing at his baby's little pink face, button nose, and tiny heart-shaped lips, Jungkook grinned. Nobody can argue that this is Taehyung's child.

Feeling peace Jungkook places a small kiss on his baby's forehead, he inhales for the last time and goes limp on the bed. His last thought, being I love you...........a small smile playing on his dried cracked lips.

Next life...............perhaps.........

A nurse picks up the youngster and says, "damn," pulling him from his mother's grip. She held the infant the entire time that Jungkook was holding him because he appeared very weak.

Her fellow nurse frantically checking for a pulse as she starts compressions on his chest. A voice from behind them shouts, "he's dead," and when they turn around, they see Kim Ursula standing at the doorway, grinning and staring at the dead boy. "Alright, cover him up. Park Jimin is in the nursery, he will look after the child till tomorrow, when Taehyung's new bride will take on the role of mother."

The nurse holding the child exists the room, while Ursula stares at Jungkook and thought how beautiful he looked, even in death. Since her only concern was the baby, Jungkook did not receive the necessary medical attention, and blood was dripping from the bed into the floor. She concludes that while she waits for Taehyung to arrive, perhaps he could be saved, but it's preferable for him to die.

Before entering the room, Ursula ordered the guards to get Taehyung from his room. 

"JUNGKOOK!" Her thoughts are interrupted by Taehyung's words, and she turns to see her grandson being restrained by guards.

"No!" Ursula cries, "You will get dirty with his unworthy tainted blood," as Taehyung is restrained by guards to prevent him from coming into contact with Jungkook's body.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Taehyung looks at the horrifying scene and yells. He is staring at a blood-covered Jungkook as he tries to break free. Taehyung wants nothing more than to strangle his grandmother to death, and his body is trembling with dread and hatred. However, Jungkook and his child are his top priorities.

Please be alright..........

Has Jungkook given birth recently? Five against one as Taehyung tries to shove the bodyguards away. The room's blood-covered nurse responding to his question. His heart aches at the thought of what his grandmother might have done.

Shrugging "Nothing," Ursula replies stoically, "he simply couldn't bear giving birth and passed away. I apologize; your child was stillborn." She intends to give Taehyung his son tomorrow after punishing her grandson for a while.


🤧 You can curse me. 😥

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