3 The Tree

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Friday finally made up her mind about where she was going. To the tree. She ran up the stairs to the girls' dorms, unlocked her door, grabbed her airpods, and book. She sprinted downstairs hoping no one would see her. Somehow she did that without crying. She ran down the soccer field and passed the ping pong table, and all the way to the cricket field. Cricket was a summer sport so no one would come down there in the middle of winter.

 She walked to the big tree a couple of metres away from the cricket lockers, which was her little secret, which she had shared with Ian- But hoped he wouldn't come. She bent down and sat with her legs wrapped in her arms and cheek on her knee. Put her airpods in and listened to 'Saturn' by SZA. She listened to the lyrics, not bothering to read her book. A single tear rolled down her cheek. 

Her thoughts jumbled up everywhere in her brain. Who was that girl? Why did she have to be so pretty? Did this mean Ian cheated on me? Where Ian and me even together in the first place? If we weren't... who is made for me?  Now she burst into tears, she couldn't help it.

 Friday was never good with emotions, so she didn't know how to handle this. She put her hand in her sleeve and wipped her tears as they still rolled out. She took her airpods out and was about to get up until she heard footsteps coming closer. She sat back down, eyes closed as she tried to stay hidden, and to stop tears from escaping again. Friday felt the person sit next to her. 

"Um," The person said. Friday noticed it was a boy, not Ian luckily. "Are you okay?"

Friday opened her eyes, and wipped them with her sleeve and sniffled. "Y-Yeah, thanks" she replied with a small smile, still avoiding eye contact. She shifted uncomfortably, still holding her book. 

"What book you reading?" The boy asked. Friday took a glimps of her book, then finally looked at him, he had soft looking brown hair, green/blue eyes, like a turquoise. 

"Happiest man in the World" She answered, trying to take her mind of about what just happened with Ian and that gorgeous girl. Unlike me. Another tear dropped on her cheak, and rolled down on her ugly cardigan creating a little staine, that would eventualy go away. Eventualy go away. She thought. Maybe I'll eventualy get over Ian. Hopefully. Unlikely. She was crying again now. She just couldn't help it.

"Hey," The boy said softly, "Try to take ur mind of whats making you so upset. Here." Friday thought about what he said and wondered why he said here for. As she turned and looking at him she could see why. He was holing out a little chocolate ball, like a egg.

 "Oh," Friday said sounding a bit better while putting it in her mouth. "Wow, thanks, I haven't had breakfast so this will be yum." She said during chews. That one bit of chocolate made her feel 10 times better. The boy let out a small chuckle and looked at Friday. 

"What?" She asked still with chocolate in her mouth. "Why you looking at me like that?"

"You got a little-" He paused and started laughing as she was touching her mouth trying to clean the chocolate of her cheek. "No a bitt higher-" he said while she kept searching for the smudged chocolate on her face. "Nope, just a bit to the right- Ah forget it-" He said as he leanded forard and rubbed the melted chocolate of Friday's face. She smiled. He smiled back. That moment Friday noticed something, something that wasn't there before. She looked at the boy, he looked quite handsome. Friday blushed a bit. 

He looked at her watch and started to get up. "Hey, got to get to sport class with Mr Fontana, never met him before, so I hope he's not strict like Mr MacLean." He said with a chuckle, so did Friday. "See you later... uh" He looked at her intrested. 

"Friday," She replied with a small smile. "Friday Barnes."

"Well Friday, I'm Alex, nice to meet you." He said reaching his hand out. Friday took it an stood up. 

"Well Alex, I got to get to English now, see you around." Friday responded as she started walking back to class.

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