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3Racha with 5 extra ingredients👹🏳️‍🌈😎🔥

Jisung: guess who's getting a brain scan today !!

Minho: to see if you have one?

Jisung: you little shit

Bangchan: so are we not at all confused jisung is getting his fucking brain scanned ..

Jeongin: not really, no

Jeongin has been kicked by Bangchan

Felix: OMG JISUNG WILL YOU BE OKAY ????????????

Jisung: my 8 ball said no

Hyunjin: if you die your room is gonna be turned into a karaoke section

Jisung: how thoughful.

Changbin: so are you gonna tell us why ur getting ur fucking head scanned or you trynna be mysterious

Jisung: my head hurts :(

Bangchan: why am i not at all shocked

Seungmin: dw jisung, thats just your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity

Hyunjin: HELP

Jisung: must you always attack me with words ??

Minho: why are we typing like its medieval times

Seungmin: do you want me to use rocks

Seungmin has been kicked by Jisung

Jisung: btw im scared of doctors

Changbin: your on your own


Changbin: your having a headache, youll be fine bro

Hyunjin: i could never be this dumb

Minho: actually you could and you have been

Jisung: anyways what would you guys do if you were in my shoes?

Hyunjin: first of all i would never be in your shoes, my taste in shoes is better than yours

Hyunjin has been kicked by Jisung

Jisung: does anyone else want to be useful to me

Minho has left

Changbin has left

Felix has left

Bangchan has left

Jisung: :(


A/N: why is this sm longer than usual


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