Issue 2: Battle Trial? Sounds Like Fun! Part 1

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Last time we got to see Masato set foot in U.A. Academy for the very first time as he met his classmates as they all began training with their Quirks. Masato also managed to make his first friend in the form of Reiko Yanagi. What awaits Masato next at U.A.?

It had been a week and a half since Masato started school at U.A., in that time he got to at least know his classmates names. He mostly talked to Reiko, usually about the scary stories she would send him through text. The only major development was all of the Hero Course students being given a budget to make their own Hero Costumes. From what Vlad King said they would need them soon. Masato found himself sitting in class, a bored expression on his face. While he had been enjoying his classes at U.A., since so much of it was hands on, he still wasn't great at lectures or note taking. Vlad King cleared his throat as everyone in class immediately perked up.

Vlad King: Now that all of you have had your Hero Costumes made we can move onto our next major training lesson. That being the Battle Trial.

The students of Class 1-B looked at their teacher in confusion, not exactly sure what a Battle Trial was exactly.

Itsuka: Vlad-Sensei, what exactly is the Battle Trial? Is it some form of sparring matches between our classmates?

Vlad King: It's a simulated crisis situation, all of you will be split up into pairs of two at random. Then two of these pairs will be randomly selected to go against one another. One team will be the villains and guard a mock bomb within a building. The other team will be the Heroes and attempt to secure the bomb before the time limit expires.

The students of Class 1-B all realized this would be an actual simulation of a crisis scenario, their first real test of operating as heroes. Masato however couldn't help but let himself have a giant smile on his face, this was going to be a lot of fun!

Vlad King: Now then all of you get changed into your Hero Costumes. We are heading to Ground Beta for this class.

Class 1-B: Yes Vlad-Sensei!

All of Class 1-B got up from their seats as they made their way to the locker rooms to change into their newly made hero costumes. Masato however couldn't stop smirking as this was potentially going to be their most exciting class yet!

Ground Beta
Half an hour later Class 1-B found themselves standing in front of what appeared to be a mock city.

Ground BetaHalf an hour later Class 1-B found themselves standing in front of what appeared to be a mock city

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This was Ground Beta, one of the many large scale training grounds U.A. had at its disposal. Class 1-B were led into Ground Beta, all of them dressed in their Hero Costumes. Masato was dressed in a simple skin tight black top, with pants of a lighter shade of black with white segments. He wore long black gloves that stopped a short amount before his shoulders. In his waist was a set of yellow belts that contained multiple pouches. On his feet was a pair of durable yellow sneakers.

 On his feet was a pair of durable yellow sneakers

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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