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Ellierose has been nice this few days i can't help but be proud of how she's handled things, i slowly started hearing about her last few years without me through ria and it's been hard She's been careful not to share too much yet there's somethings you can't hide and it overshadows the lies and shield you use to protect the view of your past and that's the truth
She's done a nice job hiding her bruises but they're still there
She has burnt marks that sierra assured me it's just from fights, she's been a fighter this last year's
she's nice at throwing punches and defending herself
Sierra's mother as the mentally ill person she is woke ellierose last night saying how they will escape, she's been behaving better at least what we think unknowingly trying to help her get better while she decides to ask ellierose who she believes was also kidnapped to help her escape and they'll return to Sierra's father together who'll help ellierose return, wherever she's from and to be honest she's soo messed up
sierra knows so i don't want to say it but she's not escaping with us
I've been smart and careful with this plan but her mother will destroy all our lives the second she makes something go wrong the royal family has decided in honour of their king, my mother's ex that they're increasing security
Very soon everiana will no longer have any freedom, the system is failing and many everinians have fallen victim to kidnapping and slave trafficking by the people who are selling them and it hasn't been good, the border's closing up soon and i hate to say this but their plans doesn't make sense
Something terrible is coming and it's not going to be small t-
giggling follows as the ladys come through the hall, they start talking over something as sierra makes a weird hiccup as they come in
i can't help but point all my focus towards ellierose, my lovely wendy and i regret not escaping years before because i realize this scene would have been what i would have been used to seeing simply just outstanding beauty
Ellierose says something about her worst fight in school and i drop all my attention on her, her beauty is the most alluring feature and i'm speaking about the beauty of her soul, it radiates around her and that's who she is simply beauty in the most loveliest form
She's soo alluring i just still won't let myself have enough, she is blinding is what most people will say, blinding enough to distract and extract my sight, most people focus too much on the physical appearance of those they love and claim they love them Soo much they can't concentrate but that's not my case i melt instantly when i see her and i concentrate of every single beautiful thing about her including her voice and i simply hear her