Dark Secrets

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Chapter 7: Dark Secrets

Lucas Pov:

Some things are just best in the past...As much as I want to tell Melissa about what happened to me when I was 12 years old, I just can't it would probably scare her away and I can't do that to her...I just can't. What happened to me has scared me for the rest of my life...and telling the one girl I actually want...that is so fucking dark would scare my little butterfly away, she would fly away and this time I wouldn't be able to catch her...which fucking scares me. Secrets are sercet and if you let even just one out, it can bring back memories you wished never to remember ever again...dark and evil memories that would scare anyone.

8 Years Ago...Flashback

"Let me go!!!" I cried out as I saw nothing but black...they covered me with a black bag! I was only walking my dog...and two strange tall scary men...were walking behind me and they made no move until a black van pulled up then they grabbed me and took my sweet little Daisy away from me...a golden retriever and I knew I would never see her again...The place I was walking her was in a dog park but it was 6 in the morning not many people were around where I was...near a lake. I kind of snuck out this morning without telling my parents...they're very wealthy people so you would assume they would have enemies I just didn't know their target would be their son....me. "We can't let you go not until we sort things out with your parents...-"

My parents...Violet Willam and Elijah Willam...My father owns his own company named Elijah Willam Industry...he pretty much helps companies out with anything while my mom Violet Willam she owns a purse company and makes around the same as my father. "What did they do now?" I ask trying to untie myself but no use...they tied my hands up as well and I can't even untie it! They tied it too much...my father taught me how to unknot ties for any situation like this one...but no use. "No of your business kid...but you will be very useful.-" "Where's Daisy!?" I yell worried about my sweet Daisy. "Died, she wouldn't stop barking." "YOU FUCKER!" I yell furious as I once more tried to untie myself and no use...!

Why did this have to happen...my parents will try and buy me another dog which I will not take I do not want another dog...Daisy was the only one I ever wanted she was my girl...my sweet little gold retriever and I promised myself I would never get another one again...not after her. As soon as the car stopped I sucked in a brethe so scared...I could pee my pants if I truly wanted to. One of the men grabs me so fast I jump as he drags me into somewhere...I can't see because it's why to black in this damn bag over my head! Then slams me onto a chair...and ties me up on it. Who are these people!? They on mask me just to warn me..."Yell..scream do anything and it'll just be worse...-"

One of the tall men says then the other one next to him with dark black hair and smoky grey eyes growls "Sorry kid we have to do this...your father owns our company money and he messed with the wrong people-" "Do what?" I whisper as I swallow nervously. "We have to torture you and record it so your father will see how serious we are." The man with grey eyes says in a cold voice that would make anyone as scared as me right now. I nodded nervously trying to put on a brave face...when I know it won't last long not after what they're about to put me through. "We're going to cover you back up with the bag...and poor water on you... it feels like you're drowning but we're not here to kill you boy so don't worry it'll stop before you stop breathing and things will just get even worse...

if your father isn't here by the time we get to the cutting." The cutting...I nod again as they cover my face and do exactly what they said they would do...I drowned...almost...I bled more...screamed less each time they repeated it until Father finally came with Mother and since that Dad, I still have not yet fully forgiven my father.

Back To Now.

As soon as I got back home since that day Damien's always tried getting it out of me...but I never told him the full story just that I got kidnapped and they tried torturing me but in reality, they didn't try...they did torture me...in the worst kind of ways that still gives me nightmares. "Lucas....Lucas! You're turning blue!" Melissa came up to me as I collapsed on my bed. I totally forgot I brought Melissa here because she asked to come see my place...The frat house, no one's home right now that's all I remember before blanking out and all those memories are coming back...no wonder I stopped breathing?

This is the first time this has happened...ask my own mother she would know. Melissa comes in between my legs as I sit up and cups my face leaning in...Fuck she's crying. "Lucas...you need to tell me." I give her a soft smile "Tell you what?" "What the hell that was? You almost died...!" She looks so worried it's fucking cute, but she's right she deserves to know...I just don't know if I can handle telling her it all and she leaves me...abombes me. "Lucas...look at me please" I do I look her straight into those gorgeous light brown eyes with a hint of green in the center of them. "Whatever you tell me I don't care...I'll still be here afterward, so please tell me." Fuck that felt so good to hear her say that to me...I slowly nod as she slowly swings her legs over me and straddles my lap still holding my face in her small hands. I sigh as I say

"It happened 8 years ago...I was only 12 years old..." Then everything spills out after that...I told her everything other than my family and not even the twins now my sister's who are both twins. She's the first person I've opened up to like this not even my best friend Damien knows all the details and I don't know if I'll ever tell him or not..."Lucas....I'm so sorry...that they did that to you and that poor puppy...-" I also told her about Diasy...and how I never wanted another dog after her. "Don't cry over me Butterfly, I'm alright." Hell, I'm much better now telling her and the way she's sitting on top of me like this is making me forget it all...she just won't stop crying which bothers me I don't like when she cries...I've just realized...

well more like I did in the club when she told me I broke her heart after hearing that broke my heart as well I shouldn't have lied to my friends and I should have told everyone the truth including her...my butterfly. "How are you alight?" I smile up at her and grab her waist to bring her closer to me. "Because your here...-" "Lucas..." She whispers. "Stay...-" "Stay?" Her eyes go big a little. I smile "Yes just let me hold you tonight." She nods slowly with a soft smile on her face. "Okay...just for tonight."

Hope you guys enjoyed that...a little bit of a sadder chapter but still so good!😭 I forgot I have one more chapter edited for you guys so that will come out soon after this one! I'll be posting more chapters on Wednesday:)

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