8. The Other Side

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Monday, November 14, 2027

Jack pulled himself up into the abandoned tree-house. Everyone bowed their heads as he walked up to the table. "Alright, we've lost another one, what's the big fucking deal, and I would also like to address the Mackenzie issue. THE WARRANT IS OFF!" Jack commanded as he ripped Mackenzie's picture off the wall. "And let's not forget who's in charge here, ME! I'M SICK OF YOU THINKING THAT YOU ARE THE ALPHA OF THIS PACK, I AM THE LEADER! ACACIE, BEAUX, YOU ARE DISMISSED!" Jack snarled as they hung their heads in shame. They sat up and walked out of the tree-house together. They climbed down the ladder burying their daggers underneath a tree root where Max's was buried.

The two of them walked away, keeping silent, not even looking at each other. Once they were out of the forest they met up with Max's brother. "So, did you find out what happened to my brother?" He asked sternly. "No, he dismissed us from the gang, we can still get back at him just, not right now, it would be too expected." Beaux told him, sounding a little disappointed. "The fuck! We can't wait a few years! We need him gone before Lucky gets back!" Max's little brother panicked. "Relax, he's with his mother in Sydney until he's in grade nine, I think we should wait till next year. Get them while they're not thinking about it and when all those little shits are together." Acacie plotted, trying to come up with a plausible solution to the problem. "We have to wait that long! What if another one of those psychos go nuts and kills us too?!" Max stressed, just wanting to get vengeance for his brother's demise. "Hey it's not our fault she went psycho! It's that bitch and her friends Bluey. They both said something about killing them." Beaux recalled. "Then next year, we'll get them, when they least expect it."

Last year

"Mackenzie Border Collie I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my brother!" He yelled as he struggled to get free. "What?" Mackenzie asked, a little disturbed and confused by the question. "Maxwell Finn Heeler! You killed my brother so I'm gonna kill you and see how you like it!" The kid yelled. "Max? But I thought he died in a car crash, they put up a bench for him at the school as a memorial." Bluey told, still shaking in fear. "You're wrong. They lied to cover up the truth. All they found was his bones buried in a shallow grave. They didn't want people flocking to the grave site to see if he was still there, so they lied. The police told us he was most likely skinned or fell victim to an act savage cannibalism. That's why I'm here, I've come to kill you so my brother can finally rest in peace." He told, his voice cold and bitter. "Look dude. I didn't even know who this guy was before you broke into my fucking house. I still don't really know what's going on. How the hell did you even get in! The doors are locked and so are the windows, so how the fuck did you get into my house!" Mackenzie growled. "My brother died trying to kill you idiot!" He yelled as he picked up the knife beside him. He tried to stab Mackenzie but he backed away just in time. "Excuse me but what the absolute fuck! You're trying to avenge somebody I didn't even know who was trying to kill me! Do you know how fucked up that is!" Mackenzie argued.

A few minutes after that whole ordeal he left alongside Acacie and Beaux and headed towards the park. They ran all the way there despite being bloodied and bruised. 

"I don't believe a word they said, I know they killed my brother. Chloe had nothing to do with it and I know it. She was just an easy victim because she died. I know that they did it. I will kill them one day, and I don't care how long it takes. Next year, I don't fucking care if Lucky is back, Jack can screw around with him while we kill his friends. Next year, I don't give a fuck how, I will get vengeance for my brother" Max commanded.

Max slowly walked away from them, fists clenched in anger, wanting to have killed them but knowing he was too weak to do any harm broke him a little. He knew he couldn't live up to his brother's name but he would be damned if didn't kill the people who killed him. He would have his revenge.

Acacie and Beaux remained there, starting to walk home. "I don't really want to be apart of this anymore. Do you?" Acacie asked him, finally showing how she really felt about the situation. "I don't know, I can't tolerate having to do this but do we really have a choice? I don't want to hurt anyone, my days of doing that are over, I just want to get a job and live my life without being held down by this. My threat days are over." He told her. "Same here but he would kill us if we abandoned him. Our only option is to kill him." Acacie thought blankly. "No, I'm done with this, I'm not killing anyone, I'm quitting, he doesn't know where we live, he won't find us." Beaux told her firmly. "Alright, we won't, we'll just deal with it when the time comes" Acacie told him as they approached their small little condo. 

Acacie's condo was owned by her Mother who worked two jobs to afford it and to feed herself, Acacie and Beaux. Beaux didn't have a family to go home to so he stayed with Acacie who he considered as a sister. Since they were fourteen this had began. Since they met each other they were thick as thieves and nothing would change for as long as they knew each other so, when all this arose they stuck together; And when the next one would soon arise, they would be ready.

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