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My body was on high alert knowing that my mate was within the house's limits - knowing that at any second we could run into each other again, but at least his delicious scent of cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven carried quicker than he did, so I would be made aware of his arrival before coming face to face with him. After taking a shower in the staff bathroom (I didn't dare go to the main shower on the first floor knowing that it was open to all and he'd be more apt to waltz right in), I found myself back in my room as I laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling. Nobody bothered coming down near the staff quarters, aside from me, who had a room tucked away beside theirs, but at least I knew I could remain safe and unbothered while staying away from the main parts of the house.

The staff treated me nicely, would exchange pleasantries with me when they saw me, but aside from that, they kept to themselves as they hurried around cleaning the house. The Luna had such high standards and if the help failed to live up to them, they were quickly dismissed - and in my time I have seen many given the boot out into the cold for ridiculous reasons. The pack Luna was ruthless, and it was clear she wasn't a fan of me throughout the years I lived there - what would she think when she finds out I am fated to her son? She would disapprove, that was a given, because even I disapproved of the situation. Alexander had never even looked my way as we grew up, unless if it were to make some rude remark while walking past me with friends, so why should I feel excited that we were destined to be mates? Why couldn't it be Cyrus if it were going to be either of them? I'd been crushing on him for longer than I can remember, ever since I started realizing boys didn't have cooties and instead began wanting them - but every other girl my age had wanted him as well, certainly he wouldn't ever give me the time of day aside from quick pleasantries that he probably felt obligated to give.

But wait, the more I thought about it, if the ridiculous concept of your mate having such a delicious aroma attached to them was true, what if other concepts were true as well? I had heard rumors, that since the brothers were twins, that there was a good possibility that they would share the same mate - could that actually be the case, or was I destined to the wrong brother after being treated like I was nothing for so long? I had to know if it was just Alexander, or if the Moon Goddess had something else up her sleeve for me, and the only way to do that would be to find Cyrus. It was still early in the morning, I hadn't been able to fall asleep after the encounter with Alexander in the kitchen, so certainly Cyrus had to still be in his room sleeping, right?

I needed to be careful as I crept towards the stairs and began to make my way up them. I shouldn't even be humoring the idea of going to Cyrus's room, but I needed to know if there could be even a sliver of a chance that we were mates. I put my head against the door and couldn't hear movement on the other side, and when I put my hand on the knob it turned and clicked - the door was unlocked, how much trouble would I get into if I walked into his room? The last thing I would want was for him to be mad at me, but I just had to know, so I did the only thing I could think of - I opened the door just enough to peak my head in, and to my disdain there sat Alexander on Cyrus's bed staring towards the door.

Had I went to the wrong room? Shit, I could have sworn that this was Cyrus's room, "took you long enough to figure it all out, come in," Alexander's invitation sounded more like an order as I stiffened up and slipped into the room, "shut the door behind you. We don't need anyone else listening to our business," he motioned with his hand for me to shut the door, and although I was hesitant, I still did as I was told.

"I was looking for-"

"My brother, I know," he rolled his eyes as he stood up from the bed, crossing the room so that we were closer, though for each step he took towards me I side stepped to keep my distance. "You know, I saw the two of you earlier, all smiles for one another," if I didn't know any better it almost sounded like Alexander was actually jealous.

"He's like that with everyone. I don't think I have ever seen him without a smile," an image that had me absentmindedly smiling as I stood in the room, "I'm nothing special. There's nothing between us," I shook my head, though as he growled and lunged towards me, capturing me between his arms and the wall, I realized I had said something he didn't like - I had offended him without even trying.

"My mate is special," the tone in his voice was chilling, his eyes bearing into me as I could see his chest heaving with his labored breaths. He was trying hard to contain his wolf now that we were so close - my scent must have been driving him wild, especially considering what his was beginning to do to me. "You're my mate, which makes you special to me, understood?"

I gulped, unable to form a single word with him so close to me, knowing that it would be much easier to just agree with him so an argument wouldn't ensue, so instead of saying anything I simply nodded. "Why are you in your brothers room?" I finally mustered up the courage to ask the question i'd had since I first peaked through the door and caught him sitting on the bed.

"I think the better question," he took a step away as I could tell he was fighting the urges his wolf was having, his lustful eyes turning black as he fought to shift them back to his normal blue hues, "is what are you doing in here?"

"I just had a question."



"You want to know if he's your mate," Alexander had hit the nail right on the head with that assumption, my eyes casting towards the floor unable to ignore the annoyance laced in that question. "Is that it, Willow?" He walked back over to the bed, my body tensing as he spoke my name for the first time without having to be reminded of what it was. "Would that make this whole situation better for you...." He glanced in my direction as he waited for an answer, "or worse?"

A smirk stretched across his lips and I could already tell the thoughts circling his mind were absolutely sinister, and truth be told it had my body trembling in anticipation - what was being in this room, so close to my mate, doing to me?

Taken By Twin AlphasWhere stories live. Discover now