Our Terms and Conditions (Alex's POV)

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The way she had made it sound had us expecting a laundry list of terms and conditions, but now that she had said her piece, all that she offered was the condition that we get to know each other, seriously? Of all the things she could have asked for, luxuries she hadn't been afforded before, the only thing she could think of was time with us?

Sure, we quickly agreed, but I couldn't help but think there was more, and after Cyrus's little quip about his bedroom, it seemed as good a time as any to divulge.

"What else?" I asked, after a pause that felt like an eternity. Cyrus and our mate looked at me quizzically, which made me repeat the question. "What else?"

"What do you mean?" Willow looked confused, which I found adorable.

"What other terms and conditions do you have for us?" My tone made it start sounding more like a business acquisition than a date, but I needed everything laid out on the table before proceeding.

"C'mon Alex-" I rose my hand to silence my brother before he could finish his plea for me to stop. 

"I-" Willow started to stammer, "I didn't-"

"That means it's time for us to share our own terms and conditions," if she wanted tonight to sound more like a business deal than a date, so be it, I could play her little game - as long as it'd mean I win eventually.

The prize? Her, every inch of her, mine. Sure, I would have to add my brother into that equation somehow, but that was a minor detail to worry about later.

"Your own terms and conditions?" You could hear the nerves in her voice, and as I gazed over towards my brother you could tell that he was just as confused. He'll thank me later for what I bring to the table.

"You didn't expect to be the only one with any say as to how this scenario plays out, did you?"

"Is that what this is?" Willow had some bite after all, the nerves seemingly gone from her voice for a moment as the word had struck a nerve, "a scenario."

"You know what I mean."

"Actually, Alexander, I don't. It's getting late, so I think it's time I go back to my room now, if you'll excuse me-" You could tell that how I phrased things had pissed her off enough to want to high tail it out of there, but as she rose from her seat at the table, Cyrus jumping up to chase her if she began to flee, I simply kept my eyes locked on hers. 

"Condition number one," I spoke, not acknowledging that she had just tried to excuse herself. "No more hiding or trying to run away from us. I pissed you off, don't hide the fact, tell me what I did," I knew what I had done, but if she was going to be our mate, she needed to grow a spine and speak up for herself. "There's going to be times when we piss you off, and it's going to be up to you to put us in our place," hopefully that place was on our knees between her thighs, lapping up every bit of the nectar she'd allow for us to have. I couldn't be so bold as to say that though, in due time she'd realize where we excelled, but for now we'd continue at her pace.

Rome wasn't built in a day, after all.

"You're our mate, Willow," Cyrus piped up, stepping around the table so that he could put a hand on her arm, comforting her the best he could as he held the chair to get her to sit back down. He was always the more attentive brother, "and I know that it's hard to understand now, that all we want to do is make you happy, especially given how little our paths crossed before, but the moon goddess put us together for a reason, which means we're meant to be, regardless of our pasts, and it's our sole purpose to make up for all that lost time, to give you the world, from here on out."

I really had no idea why Cyrus was explaining something that we'd already all known.

"Condition number two," she still hadn't sat, but she also hadn't fled, instead just standing there to hear me out. Good girl. I rose from my chair, her eyes widening as I stepped around the table, standing mere inches from her. As though her body was magnetic, my hand came to a rest on her hip, a small tug at the belt loop of her jeans. "You sleep with us at night," she immediately opened her mouth to object, but her words were immediately silenced by my lips. I couldn't help myself, she looked good enough to eat, but the kiss didn't last long, pulling away with a satisfied smirk as I watched her eyes flutter open, the air filling her lungs once more after the sudden intrusion.

"Seriously," Cyrus chirped, laughter escaping my lips as I motioned for him to come closer, my brother now standing at her side. "Willow," my voice was deep as I leaned close to her ear, "I think he's getting jealous, how should we remedy that?" I could tell that I had her right where I wanted her, her wolf whimpering in anticipation as her two mates were so close to her.

"Like this," Cyrus was the one to speak up this time, turning her face towards him as his lips crashed eagerly against his, a satisfied moan escaping from the both of them that sent my body wild. His body melted into her side though I wouldn't let him turn her to face him, not when I was selfishly wanting my own attention. I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking at her flesh, knowing damn well there would be a small trail of bruises for all to see that she'd been claimed.

She pulled back just enough to catch her breath, but it didn't take long for her and Cyrus's lips to find one another's again. I could tell that he was her favorite right now, but that didn't bother me, it wouldn't be that way forever - I wouldn't allow her to have any favorites. 

"Cyrus," I pulled him back as I stepped back myself, "in due time, brother."

Cyrus, his eyes in a trance on her lips, just nodded, understanding what I had meant by that. Willow was still a bit unsure but she'd learn soon enough.

"Tonight, you'll sleep in your current bedroom, tomorrow I will have the servants set two beds up in one of the master suites. We will all have our separate spaces but will come together each night," I felt that was logical enough, and by having that second bed in the room she wouldn't feel pressured.

Granted, I hoped she'd never want to use it, denying us the luxury of being pressed against her in slumber was horrible to even think about.

I shifted as I stood, my obvious erection making me uncomfortable, my only thought being to bend her over the table and fuck her with abandon.

"If anymore conditions come up I'll be sure to bring them to the table," the table that I wanted to fuck her on right now, god damn I needed to get out of there and take care of myself.

"I think we've taken up enough of your evening, Willow, let's walk you back to your room."

Neither Cyrus nor I wanted the night to be over, but we both understood that we'd pushed things a bit further than expected, so giving her the rest of the night to reflect (indulge in fantasy, hopefully) seemed the most logical of plans.

My brother and I, surprisingly in sync, stepped to either side of her as we took her hands and started back towards the main house. We'd let her figure out what tonight was and come to terms with my two conditions, and tomorrow the real fun could begin...

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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