The Accords

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4 years ago

Hulk ran up to a car, smashing it quickly with precise skill.

Steve and Nat were destroying aliens by aliens till they were gone.

Thor used his magical hammer to smash the aliens.

Clint shot arrow by arrow hitting his target each time.

Last, my Father flying around in his stut shooting things from the sky

That's all I could see out of my large window on that action filled day. People over people trying to escape, while my dad locked me in my room under Jarvis's watch.

I started pacing around my room looking for something to open the door but it was useless. Jarvis was never going to let me out of his sight while my dad gave him rules to keep me inside.

I sat down on my bed alone with the sound of my foot tapping on the ground lightly. I had to get out there, I was a tough 11 year old. I was going to find a way out

Suddenly I hear a loud boom outside of the room, I look through the small peakhole on the side of the door as I see Loki on the ground looking like he had just been thrown hard to the ground.

I see a green blur pass as I figure out it was Hulk. I stand back hearing them fight as finally Hulk hits my door and it goes flying off its hinges just missing my head by inches.

"Puny God." Hulk says to Loki as he lies there hurt. Hulk quickly looks at me and runs at me as I move and he jumps through my window leaving me with a hurt Loki.

"How do I stop the portal?" I ask, putting my foot on his stomach as he smiles weekly.

"y/n Stark is it? Wow how you think you can defeat me." he says, somehow getting up and picking up his scepter hitting me across the room as I fall onto the ground in pain, I put my hand to my face as I feel blood where he striked me which eventually lead to a scar.

"Well I thought I could try." I say as he gets closer and I reach for a bow and arrow shooting at him like Clint taught me. He catches it out of the air and laughs misteviously.

"You really think you can fight as well as us? We are experienced adults, not a puny kid." He says picking me up and holding me by the throat making it hard to breathe. I look onto the ground seeing his scepter.

"I am not a puny kid." I say kicking him in the nuts as he lets go and I roll onto the ground with glass all over it. I roll over to the scepter taking the inner blue glow in my hand as it hurts my hand.

I get a hold of the stone as it bursts, making me fly up into the sky with a glow around me in all directions. The wind is blowing quickly as I hold on seeing a picture in the glow, it was a woman who looked somehow familiar, she had a crown with a beautiful suit on.

Right before I could get more details the glowing stops abruptly and I fall on the ground fainting.

I was always told that after that, they had won. My dad had thrown a missile through the space opening.

They saved the day with minor civilian casualties. They also apprehended Loki, sending him back to Asgard with Thor.

My dad said I helped save everyone, the stone had sent Loki across the room fainting and not interfering with the shutdown.

He had found me later on the ground, he helped me up and led me to Bruce who had turned back from the Hulk right in time.

He stabilized me and I woke up later with some kind of energy powers and mind control that helped me become the hero I am today.

lost (y/n stark x Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now