The Coddling

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"Donald, I'm fine!" You tried to reason with him as he threw more blankets on you. "Donald!"

"You shouldn't have gone!" Donald berated as you tried to take the blankets off, doing your best to get ready for the day. "Your body isn't meant for such extreme temperatures!"

"Keep up the good work, Donald!"

Your head snapped towards your bedroom door as you shrugged more blankets off. Scrooge was walking past, tipping his hat to Donald as the nephew tried to force you back into bed.

"McDuck!" You cried, tearing yourself from Donald's grasp. "Donald, leave me alone!"

"You could be sick-"

"AH!" You sprinted out of the (f/c) room as Donald's scream warbled through the room. An obvious sign that Donald was upset, and yet a sound that warmed your heart to hear after so long. You ran down the stairs after Scrooge, finally catching up to him at the bottom of the staircase as he ducked into the parlor. You followed quickly, strolling in with your hands on your hips.

"Scrooge, don't encourage Donald to coddle me! I'm a full grown adult, I can take care of myself!"

Scrooge turned to look back at you. He was turned towards the couch in the parlor, where Louie was kicked back with an entire six pack of Pep. Each one was opened, but they were all full as if Louie had taken a sip then forgot the previous can existed. Scrooge was grinning at you as he pointed his cane in your direction.

"Now see there, that's a can-do attitude!" Scrooge announced. You looked down at Louie as he sunk deeper into the couch cushions.

"Oh, man, my phone's dead." Louie's arm went slack as he saw the black screen of his new phone. He dropped it to the side, letting it fall from the couch and slip onto the floor carelessly. "Guess I'll have to buy a new one."

You shared a look of disbelief with Scrooge.

"Just charge it!" Scrooge ordered as he copied your pose, placing his fists on either of his hips as he glared down at his lazy great nephew.

"Eh, this one's three months old anyways," Louie shrugged as if that was a reasonable amount of time to justify buying a new device, "Who cares? We're rich!"

"No," Scrooge growled, "I'm rich! That's it, laddie!"

Scrooge reached down over Louie, seizing him by the collar of his green hoodie and yanking him to his feet. "You're coming to the office to learn the value of a hard day's work!"

Louie didn't even bother trying to get to his feet. He just let Scrooge drag him along by the hood as the trillionaire made for the front door. You followed, if only for the fact it was a hilarious sight, but were quickly given a new reason as you heard the slap of flippers coming down the stairs and the warble of an agitated duck.

"I'm coming too!"

The drive to the bin was as treacherous as ever. Launchpad rammed the back wall of the garage upon arrival and pulled the limo out smoking as you all piled out. Dewey and Webby had tagged along as well, though they wouldn't say why and you couldn't recall if they were up to something plot relevant or just the regular mischief. Either way, the two rushed off up the stairs before Louie could sneak away, leaving you with a decision on who to follow.

And you just couldn't resist the hilarious look on Louie's face as Scrooge carried him around the Bin.

When the meeting started, though, you regretted your choice. The drone of the board of vultures was so incredibly boring you could hear your own heartbeat and were trying to make a rhythm out of it. Anything, even Donald's coddling, was better than this.

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