Percy x Asami

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"Oww... Bolin, how long did have you've been doing this?" Percy groaned as his brusied right arm was in bandages and Bolin said," Haven't fight other benders before?" 

Percy rolled his eyes and said," Why do you think I ran away?" Bolin blushed and said," Sorry, I forgot." Percy sighed and stood up and said," Well I guess I'll probably be needing a job." Bolin said," Wait Percy! What about you come live with us!" Percy ignored Bolin suggestion and said ," I wanna learn about Republic City so bye. Thanks for the bending fight." Percy then walked out of the warehouse and walked onto the streets when he was about to cross a motorcycle almost bonked into him and Percy narrowly missed and saw the motorcyclist fell and he said," You okay?" The cyclist took off there help to show a beautiful young lady and she said," I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I'm fine!" the girl blushed tomato red and said," My name is Asami Sato..." Percy put out his hand and said," Perseus Percy Jackson." Asami took his hand and said," Well nice meeting you Percy!" Percy smiled and said," Well Asami seems like your motorcycle is broken." Asami sighed and said," No worries I can fix this in 2 seconds!" Asami hit the motor and the engine was back on and she said," Bye Percy!" 

 he waved as she disappeared in the clearance when sudden he heard a familiar voice," Percy! You a**hole! You disappeared without telling anyone!"

Some elsewhere...

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. The avatar. This is gonna be interesting." 

In the southern water tribe fort...

"Percy I hope you and Korra will stay safe. My baby boy, please don't get injured..." "Master Katara you mustn't catch a cold. Please go inside." Katara smiled and said," Thank you Emily. Your such a kind- Huurk!" Emily smiled coldly as blood surrounded Katara and she grabbed a mic and said," Reporting code agent 2998, Katara is announced dead."

Sorry guys for the late update! Byee!

-Faves :P

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