𝄞.𝗰𝗵𝗽 - 𝟭 ݁𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆?˖⭑.ᐟ

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Happy birthday Yn" his hand touched mine sending shivers down my spine, I stared up at his sweet eyes, like a sea of love, but what I see is a brown land, full of broken promises inside, left behind, untold and unheard

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Happy birthday Yn" his hand touched mine sending shivers down my spine, I stared up at his sweet eyes, like a sea of love, but what I see is a brown land, full of broken promises inside, left behind, untold and unheard. 

I smiled back at him," Thank you Jeon" his orbs twinkled mischievously. He walked back to his group of friends to talk with. Jeon Jungkook made my heart flutter like no one ever did in my eighteen years. And the worst thing is that he is my childhood friend, we grew up together.

I stared around finding my dad's businessmen and partners greeting him and Mom. I felt alone at my birthday party,I had limited friends and I knew how many of my 'friends' there were, the rest were my little sister Yana Lewis's friends. 

She was the opposite of me, someone so bright and cheerful that everyone loved her, she waved at me with a cheeky smile.I nodded at her happily," You need to enjoy your life, come on" she pulled me to the dance floor.

"H-hey I don't wanna dance and you know I don't even dance well" I hesitated, she didn't say anything and went ahead to dance with her friends.I sat in a corner seeing Yana interact with others. My eyes widened as I saw her dancing with Jungkook.

I felt a twinge of jealousy and pain in my heart.I looked away trying to focus on something else but it kept bothering me no matter how much I tried to look away." Yn dear why don't you go and enjoy?" my mother asked m,I let out a fake smile."I m just tired..I don't want to do anything" she sighed heavily with dissapointment.

"Look at your younger sister" I look over Yana who was giggling with her friends."She is so cheerful and happy always,I don't understand Yn, why do you hesitate a lot? I mean..we love you both the same way so why are you so introverted?" I gulped harshly at her statement, she was asking me as if she and Dad were not the reason why I ended up being so insecure and self-conscious. Fixing my hoodie,I smiled.

"Mom not every person in this world is cheerful and extroverted..Please don't assume it's my fault I don't kind peace at parties or gatherings..I had not even asked you to keep this party" I mumbled

Parents tend to act as if they didn't do anything wrong in raising their first child, they don't even realize that they were neglecting the first child for the second one. Even though I received the same dresses, accessories, and things as Yana, they never pressured her for studies or anything. Just because she's the youngest child and she deserves this freedom. 

My parents didn't let me play with my friends earlier when I was a kid and now that I m an adult, they are asking,' Why can't I socialise easily?'

Even after scoring the best grades and achievements, nothing feels better for me, they are useless if they don't give you happiness.I closed my eyes, with a heavy sigh.

" Is there someone who can accept me just the way I am?" I mumbled to myself softly,I felt so alone even though a crowd of people were surrounding me. My eyes were teary, I longed for one person to accept and heal the deep wounds inside me. Suddenly I flinched as I heard his voice.I stared up to find Jungkook looking at me with a smile.

"Why are you here all alone? It's your birthday, wait let's eat ice cream on the rooftop" I chuckled at his statement, he held my hand and pulled me to the top of the villa. A mesmerizing view was visible, the night sky was full of stars and as the villa was situated on a mountain, the stars were more clear.

"Beautiful.." I whispered he nodded at me.I look at him, wondering why he had always taken the initiative to interact and talk to me." Jungkook?" he hums at me.

" Don't you find me boring? I mean..I m not funny like Yana..I m just a bookworm, to be honest." he chuckled, he smacked my head gently."What are you even babbling idiot?" I blushed slightly.

"Look, you and Yana are two different people, so don't you dare compare yourself with her, you are not boring Yn, I find your intelligence and smartness a god gifted stuff, cherish it." I nodded while eating the ice cream.

That's why he is my best friend, he seems to not mind my silence, he enjoys our moments together and I am thankful to god for sending him into my life. We shared some laughter along with this dad's jokes.I laughed, clutching my stomach. 

He grinned at me," Yes yes smile that..You don't know how pretty you look with that big smile" My eyes softened,I had always hated my smile whenever I looked in the mirror.I had always felt myself compared to my younger sister but whenever Jungkook says these words, this makes my feelings for him stronger.

Honestly, he is the only man I m comfortable with, he is important to me and I was afraid to confess my love for him. Can't I gather some courage and let him know my feelings?

"Jungkook, there is something I want to say and..I had been hiding it for some time" I said to him in a serious tone. He stares at me, waiting for what I have to confess.I gulped, my hands were trembling with fear and anticipation. My heart was palpitating as I looked directly at his eyes. I leaned closer," Jungkook..i-I-"

Accidentally,I dropped my ice cream on his tuxedo making him groan."I m so sorry" I panicked looking over the stain."It's ok I will just change-" I felt guilty,he is always so nice to me,I bite my lips while rushing downstairs."I m going to bring some tissues!" Why do I mess up everything? 

Jeon Jungkook was a popular guy on my campus, he was known for his kindness and handsomeness. They called him the prince and maybe he felt guilty for me that he acted nice to me.

I searched for tissues everywhere,I was rushing here and there due to which I sprained my ankle," Shit these heels" I took them off, sitting on the stair, mom had forced me to wear them to look presentable in front of the whole media and everyone.

 Being rich sucks too.I touched the bruised ankle, biting my lips in pain."It hurts" I let out a deep breath. Everything is making me weak.I wiped my tears away, taking the elevator,I went up to the rooftop. Jungkook must have been waiting for me and here I was crying over the sprain.I stared down at the tissue box I was holding.

I whimpered, walking towards the balcony where I found his silhouette,a smile spread up on my face.I was about to go to him when I saw a female silhouette hugging him from behind.I got confused until I realised who it was..

Jungkook smiled at my little sister Yana, she cupped his cheeks leaning on him to kiss.I stared away,I could hear their whispers of love,I looked down at the tissue box I brought up, of course, why would he love me? I m nothing in front of Yana, and it's true. 

It's a good thing I didn't confess to him. My cheeks were moistened with tears, why does love hurt so much? I tried to close my ears, not wanting to listen to his confession for my sister, but it was useless.

"I love you, Yana.I had fallen in love with you and I want to date you" As he whispered those words to her, I threw the tissue box in the dustbin and walked away with the painful sprain in my leg but it wasn't as painful as the storm inside my heart.

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note: I had written this story in Instagram,you can check it out there too!

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