The Forest

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Dogday and Catnap ran through the lush forest, the dog pulling Catnap by the paw. Gently of course!

His tail wagged joyfully, his eyes darting everywhere. Catnap didn't share the same enthusiasm the dog did, but he was more than happy to accompany him on the brief journey.

...At least, it was supposed to be a brief adventure. They had other plans for the day as well, of course.

"Look, Catnap! There's a stick! Oh! And another! We can play Fetch with them all day, haha!"

The dog commented joyously, pointing to each and every stick he found on the ground. His tongue stuck out, a wide, innocent smile on his face.

"And–! Wait...Catnap, what's THAT?"

Dogday slowed down to a stop, pointing to a strange anomaly that stood. Or...floated rather in front of the two.

It was almost like a wall of sorts, and yet, it didn't appear to be solid at the same time. It seemed to be some kind of a purple 'portal', almost appearing as if it were made of the stars themselves.

A small, medium pitched hum could be heard from it, although it leaned a little towards the higher side in pitch.

The two stared at it in awe, although their reactions were a little different. Catnap seemed a little nervous, unsure on whether to trust the anomaly or not. Dogday, meanwhile, seemed eager! He wondered, what does it do? Where could it lead?

"Oh! Maybe it does something special! Or uh, leads somewhere! Wanna try and find out Catnap?"

Catnap shook his head, beginning to sign in response to the dog.

'I'm not sure if that's a good idea, Dogday. We have no idea what it is. It could be dangerous.'

Dogday frowned a little, nodding as he glanced back at the purple anomaly.

He was right after all. It could be dangerous.

He could already hear Bubba's voice in his head, saying something about it being better to be safe than sorry.

...But he couldn't hold his curiosity back! He HAD to know! Besides, worse case scenario, the two of them will get help! Right?

"You're right, but...I just have to know! Come on! Let's just give it a quick touch or something! And if things get weird we'll head right back out, alright?"

Catnap was still uncertain about the idea. It seemed risky, and he knew that Bubba would scold the two in an instant if he were here.

But...he guessed that if the dog was going to be careful, it should be fine...right?

He slowly nodded, the dog's tail wagging eagerly in response.


Holding onto the cat's hand, the canine brought the two up to the purple anomaly, staring at it as the dog slowly reached a paw into it.

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