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Blood had dried on my lip. Sticking to my skin and my hair. When I arrived back at my bedchambers I washed myself making sure to be delicate with my face.

I didn't get much sleep the night before, and it was evident under my eyes.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when Luke came knocking at my door wanting to talk to me. I let him in of course and we chatted over some tea.

"I haven't been honestly with you Carmen" he said intriguing me to ask further. "Prince Xavier killed my brother, Noah." I gasped setting down my tea.
"He wouldn't" I argued.
"He would and he did. He's murdered many gentlemen of nobility" he paused for a moment,"I would like your help to stop him" he finished

The man I was betrothed to is a murderer.

"What do you need" I ask. "He needs to see you on my arm. I have to irritate him enough to get him to come after me" Luke declared.

"I don't know..." I started.

"Colonel Benjamin Wilson" he said. "He was your father was he not." Luke questioned.

"He was. What of it?" My fingers started to grow cold. "Prince Xavier killed him. Not directly, but he was there last night. Watching you scream for mercy." He concluded


"What do you mean?" I tried to laugh but it came out as more of a gasp. "Xavier killed the Colonel that you were so close with."

All the military men wear masks.

"And how do I know it wasn't actually you?" I interrogate."I was there, don't get me wrong sweetheart. But I didn't make the final blow."

"But you allowed it to happen."

"I would have gotten murdered alongside him if I didn't" he stated bringing his tea to his mouth.

Luke had ginger hair that was cut short. And his eyes were almost a dark grey with a hint of green in them. Unlike his brother Luke was smoothly shaven and didn't smell like oranges.


I thought for a moment. Assessing what could go wrong if I agreed to his offer,"Deal. But if you're gonna kill him, allow me to have the honor." I bargained

"Done." He replied.


I hated him.

He killed a gentleman for no clear reason.

He had to of recognized my face from when he helped murder my parents. But he still went on to steal my innocence knowing very well who o was to begin with.

How could a person be that consumingly evil?

This was the first social event  I was attending ever since the scandal with Prince Xavier's father.

Like father like son.

And to say I thought locking a person up just to kill them was evil. But pretending to love them, when you truly hate them, is a different story.

Getting dressed I made sure to strap a knife to my thigh. I knew what needed to be done.

Linking arms with Mr. Luke Sterling we entered the funeral service together. I was wearing a black gown with white stitching and navy heels. Next to me, Luke was wearing a black suit with a navy tie to match my attire.

"What a wonderful evening, is it not" Alexandra said, walking up to me. "A wonderful evening indeed." I replied.

"I see you have found yourself a suitor. Mr. Luke Sterling, how do you do." She turned to Luke.

"I am well." He replied.

"I see that your brother has died. How are you fairing? It must be hard to lose someone so close to you... And in such a brutal way." She finished.

"I am well." He replied, sounding bored of the conversation.

"Such a shame he had to go. But leave my brother out of this nonsense. Revenge is only good until it's your turn for karma."

"You believe in such things?" I question.

"My mother, Evangeline, used to tell me stories about karma all throughout my childhood." She said."Evangeline" I repeated under my breath."did you know her." She questioned."No. no. The name is familiar is all, nostalgic." I lie. "Nostalgic, yes. She was a wonderful woman. I bet you two would've got along quite well." She said with sincerity.

"I bet we would've." I replied knowing the truth. In the four months before my capture, Evangeline would tell me the tales of the castle. All the mysteries to be discovered and adventure that awaited. It was a disappointment that her stories were only that. Stories.

When Benson tried to kill me back up in the mountains. I fled to where I hid Evangeline. And she held me while I cried.

The only boy I had ever truly loved couldn't handle me leaving him so that I could join the armed guard alongside my father and mother. Back when I could actually fight. So he attempted to take away my life because 'if you can't be mine then you can't be anyone's.'

Soon after that he told the guard that I was hiding a refugee. Causing Xavier to kill my parents.

I will never forgive Benson, but I can't help but miss the love he used to give me, before I decided to put myself first.

"Anyway, I apologize for your loss Luke, it was a joy to speak to you Carmen" Alexandra said and then left.

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