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"Shhh,Jeremy,you'll wake up Ziàra." My Mom says to my Daddy while they try to gracefully sneak into my room without tripping over something in the dark,my room is a mess. I am a very light sleeper so I heard them counting down the last seconds till my alarm clock goes off and they wake me up too. I thought they were going to turn on the light and yell "surprise" like they do every other time its the first day of school.But this time they slowly pushed me off the bed and yelled "wake up sleeping beauty,get some coffee and get ready for school" I hit the floor as they slowly pushed me off,it knocks the wind out of me and I hit my head on the corner of the nightstand next to my bed. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I look up at my Dad and say "What the fuck Dad, you push me off the bed and hit my head on the corner of this....THING,god I'm gonna have a brain injury before going to school so I'm gonna be more OCD than I am now!" My voice trails off as I go upstairs to the kitchen and get myself a cup of coffee.I turn around and see my parents laughing as they walk up stairs to follow me. I roll my eyes at my parents like any other teenager would do and laugh with them. I run up to them and give them a huge hug. As they put me down,they give me a present. "What's this?" I say as I walk down stairs to my room to open it. I catch my breathe and open the box. Usually when its my first day of school,they treat me like a child and give me a good luck charm. This time they gave me a bunch of CUTE clothes,and an awesome phone(better than the iPhone 4 I had). I thought I was the happiest girl because I was spoiled more than i ever was before the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. As I gasped,laughed, spinned in a circle and fell on my bed something sounded like loose change in the bottom of the box that I just got. I got up and looked inside I picked up a chain of keys. "What the hell!" I whispered. It suddenly popped in my head what it was when I read the note next to it. "Can't drive it until your 15 and a half,but I hope you like your new car(don't tell Mom)-Daddy" it read. My eyes widen as I inhale to let out a scream. I start running to give my dad a hug from all the way acrossed the house. I shove and hurtle over every obstacle in my way. I push over the dining table,slide on the wooden floor in the living room,jump on the sofa and swung on the light fixture on the ceiling. I land on the second step on the stairs and quickly climb the rest of the way up. My voice gets louder and louder as I reach the top of the stairs and tackled my him."I love you daddy,I love you so much!!" I overreacted as I catch my breathe. I calmed down about 15 minute later and drank the rest of my coffee. I looked outside at my turquoise mustang and went to my room to change into one of the cute new outfits i just got.

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