Who's The New Kid? Or Two New Kids?

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"Ooh Za,Guess what Za,GUESS WHAT?!!!!!" " What Jeanette?" I giggled as she screamed into the phone. "I overheard the principals talking about this new kid coming to school here tomorrow." I could hear it in a way that she was talking , there was a huge smile on her face. "Thats great J.j,is it a guy or a girl?" "Its a dude, and how the principals described him, he's HOT Zà!!!" " Congratz, and hey, maybe you can have him for yourself!!" I say as I swing upside down on my bed swinging my feet in the air. "What do you mean MAYBE?? Honey I WILL have that man for myself and you'll help me catch him before any other girl even tries to mess him up." "Oh my god Jeanette your weird." " OOH ZÀ, GUESS WHAT ELSE ZÀ, GUESS WHAT ELSE!!" "What!!" I say as I roll my eyes. "Hes not the only one Zà, he has a younger brother!!" "Younger brother?" "Yes only a month younger" "So?" "So,I know who's gonna take him!" "*sigh* who?" I look at the clock as it read 12:34 and close my eyes. "You of course!!!! " I quickly open my eyes and fall to the ground."What? No! I'm not the dating type of girl!" "Oh...okay. I guess he'll be sad and lonely forever..." Jeanette says as her voice trails off. "Night j.j!" "*sniffle* he'll suffer from loneliness!!" I hang up the phone and go to bed.

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