I'll take that as a yes.

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I woke up alone in the bed. Shit I should get use to this. I had a message off Johnnie saying him and Jake were out filming, as usual. I decided to message Tara to see if she could come over. 

You: Hey Tar, do you wanna come over? I have some shit to tell you!
Tara: YES BITCH! ill be there in 5.

I decided to head downstairs and wait in the living room and wait in the living room. It was about 10 minutes later that I heard the door open and shut "I'm here!" I heard tara scream so I shouted that I was in the living room. She walked in with two cups of coffee and handed one to me. "Thank you!" I say as she sat down. "So, what did you need to tell me?" She asked. I smile and chuckle slightly. She raises her eyebrow at me. I look down, playing with my sleeves. "Johnnie ate me out last night." I smiled as I looked back up at her.

She sat speechless with her mouth wide open. I laugh at her. "Was it good?" She blurted out. I nod my head immediately. Tara screamed loudly. "Anyways, what do you wanna do today?" I asked her. "Wanna go shopping? We can go to the mall or something." She asked. "Yeah sure! Help me get ready?" I asked her and she smiled and we went upstairs. We did my usual makeup and we had put m hair half up half down.

Slight TW (mention of cuts)

I put on some low rise, black baggy jeans, a black, cropped t-shirt with a while skull and come black, fingerless cloves that reach my elbows so that m cuts were covered. I threw my platformed sneakers and we left the house. We hopped in Tara's car and we drove to the mall. We went in shops like Hot topic and urban outfitters. I bought a few crop tops, band tees, and some new jewellery from each shop. We both decided to get matching Juicy tracksuits of course. We both got black tracksuits  so that we matched. 

"Hey Tara. I think we should dye my  hair.." I say turning to look at her. A large grin grew on her face. "what colour?" She asked me. "Blue." I reply. We decide to go to a hair dressers that was in the mall. It took an Hour and a half for it to be done. 

We decided to head home and as we pulled in we noticed Jakes car still wasn't there

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We decided to head home and as we pulled in we noticed Jakes car still wasn't there. I wonder where they were. I shake my thoughts away and we enter the house. We decided to eat some food so we ate left over food that was in the fridge. "Do you think Johnnie will like your hair?" Tara asks me. Shit. I didn't think about that. What if he hates it? Tara got me out of my thoughts by waving her hands Infront of my face. "Oh- I hope so." I laugh nervously. She simply smiles at me and we carry on talking about random shit until we were interrupted by a door opening and closing.

I knew it was Johnnie and Jake but i was too scared to look. "Hey Tara! Who's that?" Jake asked, sounding confused, idiot didn't realise it was me. I look around and smile at him, "Its me, idiot." I laugh at him. I notice Johnnie standing next to him, staring at me. I smirk at him and carry on talking. Jake ended up 'needing'  to talk to Tara so it was just me and Johnnie in the kitchen. 

"When did you decide to dye your hair?" Johnnie asked me so i looked over at him. "Just an 'in the moment' type of thing. Why, do you not like it?" I ask him kind of scared. "Oh no its not that, I really like it. In fact, I love it. You look pretty." He says, smiling as he approached me. He wraps his arms around my waist and i kissed him. 

"Get a fucking room guys." Jake said as him and Tara entered the room.  I pulled away from him laughing. Johnnie walked over and whispered something into Jakes ears and Jake smiled and nodded. He then walked away and up the stairs and i guessed his bedroom. I wonder what that was about. 

I stared downstairs for a while, talking to Jake and Tara until the both got a message at the same time. They both read it and looked at me. "You should go upstairs, Johnnie needs you." Tara said smiling. I nod at them, walking away. Why wouldn't he just message me himself?

I got to his door and my heart was beating out my chest. I opened the door and saw Johnnie holding flowers. I smile at him. "What's this about?" I spoke as I walked towards him. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, nervously. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked him, kinda worried. "Amy, Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I felt his smile through the kiss and he pulled away from me. "I'll take that as a yes." He said, smiling at me. I return the smile and kiss him again. As I pull away he asks, "Do you want to tell people yet?" "Hm, I think we should just let it come out whenever." I reply to him. He nods in agreement.

I took the flowers and went into my room and placed them in my bathroom. I return to Johnnies room. "Do you wanna bake with me?" I ask him. "Yeah sure." He smiled at me and we headed downstairs. Jake and Tara had gone to Jakes room to chill out for a while so we had the kitchen to ourselves.

We got all the ingredients and mixed them all together. We out them into a cake tin and Johnnie put it in the oven. I hopped onto the counter and johnnie came over to me, placing himself between my legs. He placed his hands on my thighs, using his thumbs to create circles, and I placed my arms around his neck and we begin to make out.

And of course, we were interrupted by Jake and Tara. Why wouldn't they? "Seriously?" Jake shouted. Johnnie pulled away from me and I placed both my hands next to me on the counter. "What am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?" He said and his eyes immediately widened, realising what he just said. I put my hand over my mouth and started laughing. Jake and Tara had froze in their place until Tara spoke up, "Johnnie finally got a girlfriend?" She said laughing. "I feel like a proud Mom." Jake said and we all laughed.




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