Two: World in Ruins

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Alivia Pine

Society fell to the Gods in seven days.

They say you never forget where you were during monumental events. I'd just come home from my shift at the bank. It wasn't a glamorous position; I was in the accounting department. My coworkers had been speaking in hushed whispers making subtle jabs at me. I reminded myself that this was temporary. I was almost done with school. I'd be starting my student teaching soon. I was counting down.

My girlfriend Jessie locked the door behind me, kissed my cheek, and led me into the dining room. She'd made my favorite having sensed I had a day from Hell. She made me dessert and we went to the couch to relax and watch TV. She turned it on and our screen went black. We heard a British accent come over the speakers. They said the Age of Gods was upon us. We took a look out the window, chariots were seen in the sky. There were buildings on fire and screams in the distance.

"If you remain in your homes and adhere to the rules, you'll be spared. Disobey, and you will join the body count."

The voice introduced themselves as Erebus, the God of Shadows. Jessie and I followed his instructions, we were among the few that did. We discovered soon after what happened to those who disobeyed him. They were given to his werewolves. Yes, I said what I said. The supernatural world existed; it had been under our noses this whole time. Those who listened were rewarded. We were given whatever we wanted. There was no limit to what he could do. We didn't request anything outlandish; we were practical. We asked for supplies when we needed them. I asked for permission to continue school and for now, I was being given that privilege.

One week soon turned into two, Jessie and I continued to follow the rules of the God of Shadows. Our jobs changed drastically in the time Erebus took over. My coworkers changed, no one gossiped their expressions were blank. I heard rumors the Shadow God had a vampire on his side. Yet another supernatural revelation. My parents would often tell me folklore before bed. Stories of gods, of creatures that owned the night, and the society that was said to protect them. They were called The Black Dahlias. We knew of them, to us they were a prestigious group filled with elitist names like Doctor Dexter Hansen, Doctor Halima Brock, and tattoo artist Hannah Marks. If Erebus was to be believed, those names were no longer with us and The Black Dahlia Society was no longer standing. It felt as if humanity had no hope.

Time passed by quickly when you had nothing of importance to look forward to. You would think it would be the opposite. The bank had closed, Erebus saw no need for currency, and the Gods did not utilize it. They traded in the old ways with goods, although some did barter in souls. With my position now gone, I'd be tasked with being a guard on the walls. Each state now had a wall to signify its border. It was a way to keep humanity contained. We were fast becoming an endangered species as nature and wildlife thrived around us.

"Babe, I'm heading to work."

Jessie's voice snapped me back to reality. My body and mind were being pushed to their limits. I couldn't remember the last time I had gotten a decent night's sleep. I could get an hour maybe two before the sound of a chariot would thunder overhead. The screams would always follow piercing and shattering the peaceful skies.

My girl looked as beautiful as ever. Her frame was slender yet muscular. Her scrubs accentuated her curves. Her cherry-red hair was in a strict-looking bun on the top of her head. Her hazel eyes watched me with concern. I couldn't exactly blame her. I hadn't seen myself in the mirror lately but I felt rough.

"I'll be here until my shift starts," I answered. "I love you."

I refrain from telling her to have a good day at work. She worked at the hospital in the city. She saw every day the horrors of those who could not escape the wolves. Others were brought in broken from being in service to the Gods. The world had gone to shit and we were desperate for a miracle. We were desperate for some semblance of hope.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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