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I saw jungkook and jimin and went toward them.
As jungkook look at me he Immediately hug me tightly.

Jungkook: are u okay?

He asked concerning.
I nodded moving back.
Yn:but I have a lot to ask from u and tell too.

He look at jimin confusingly and then at me.

Jungkook: ok sit in car let's go.

I nodded and three of settled into car.

By the thing she told me maybe that angel can be jungkook.

Can he?
I don't know. But he's really helping me from starting an without asking for anything.

I look at him carefully as he's driving.
He look at me and smile.

Jungkook: what happened?

I sit straight facing him.

Yn: jungkook look whatever I m going to ask u just tell me honestly okay?

He look a bit hesitant but nodded anyway.

Yn: can u stop this in side? Let's talk outside I need fresh air.

He nodded and stop the car at a side and we all come out.

Jimin: yn u know na we've to do it before tomorrow?

I nodded worriedly.
Jungkook: tomorrow why?
Yn: she said tomorrow is the day suga got cursed so it'll be easy for yoongi to kill him tomorrow. And he's only founding the opportunity to do it so we've to do it asap.

I explained him.
Jungkook: then why we are wasting our time like this?let's just go

He said turning around and I hold his hand making him look back at me.

He raised his eyebrows.
Yn: are u an angel?

I asked and his eyes become widened.

Jungkook: w-what?

Yn: U are an angel who's helping me from starting?

I asked again he looked so hesitant.

Yn: jungkook no need to hide it anymore she already told us. And I know that angel is definitely you.

He look at his feet and nodded slowly making me hug him tightly. He got startled but then wrap his hand around my shoulder.

Yn: thanku so much jungkook. Thanku so much from everything. I wouldn't have survived without u In this situation.

I said smiling with tears.
He shook his head making me confused.

Jungkook: it's not me yn. It's taehyungie hyung who's with u from starting. He's the one who send me and hobi hyung to take care of you. He's making sure u are safe every second.

He said and I can see tears forming in his eyes.

Yn: taehyung and hobi? Are they angel too?

I asked with shocked face and he just nodded..

I close my eyes. Why didn't I found it out?

Yn: where is Tae? Let's go to him.
Jimin: he's no more yn. He went back.

I immediately turn toward jimin with a heavy heart.

Yn: what?

I asked as tears started forming in my eyes.
He's my best friend.
He promise to be with me forever. How can he leave me like this?

Yn:hw-ow this happend? He was all okay when I meet him some days before?

I said and sobbed loudly.

Jungkook pull me into his embrace. I snuggle into his chest sobbing loudly.

Jungkook: when we had that accident, u died yn. He give u his life.

I close my eyes hearing him.
This can't be. He can't go like this.

Jungkook: it's your last birth yn and he don't want u have a incomplete love story like always. That's why he give u his life and went back.

Why he can't be little selfish sometimes?

I wipe my tears which are continously flowing.

Jimin: yn let's complete his wish. Why cry? He'll be happy seeing u both together.

He said patting my cheeks lightly.
I nodded wiping my tears.

Yn: let's go.

As we are about to go jimin stop us.

Jimin: guys can I confess something too?
I don't wanna feel guilty anymore.

We both looked at him confusingly.

I don't think he can do something wrong. Why he's feeling bad?

Yn: sure go ahead.

Jimin: umm actually I don't know how to start because I don't know myself too why I m in that cave. But when that man was doing magic I suddenly felt coming to senses and got shocked looking at him doing that. I was beyond shock to say anything. Then I hear u both talking. I felt bad for him.

He said and look at jungkook who's looking at him with his big doe eyes.

Jimin: then yn wake up and I thought to keep quite and follow u both to know what's going on. Then we were going to hill she told me about that doll, for some time I thought once I'll found that doll I m take it with me for fame but now I feel guilty. When I hear there story I though it's not what I should do. I m sorry guys but now I really wanted to help you. I m really very sorry.

He said and look down at his feet. I can feel how much guilty he's feeling rn.

Atleast he confess everything.
Yn: it's okay jimin u don't have to feel guilty. It's not your fault.

Jungkook: holy shit how can I forget that if hyung vanished so his magic will Also vanished.

He said slapping his forehead.

I confusingly look at him.
Yn: what do you mean?

Jungkook: actually yn we didn't told him anything. Hyung hypnotized him.

He said and looked down with a pout making me shocked .

Yn: what? Didn't I told u not to do anything stupid?

Jungkook: I m sorry yn. Hyung said that. U know we can't let everyone know about that. That's why.

Jimin: it's okay yn. Now I know everything. So it's okay let's just focus on our goal.

I just sighed heavily and nodded.

Yn:anything else?

They both shook their head but then jimin raised his hand.

Jimin: a group hug can be better. Now that we're a group fighting against a evil.

We both look at him weirdly but then laugh.

A group.
I finally made a group.
We did a group hug and left for our destination.

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