The blue bouquet

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AN: And the Tayvis part of this jorney is about to start.

Chapter 18- TLO2

August 3rd

Taylor’s POV
I’ve been in the music industry for quite some time and never since I felt this nervous about a show before. I’m excited for tonight and the next two particularly because that’s when we are filming for the eras tour movie. I need to sing like never before tonight because the amount of people who are going to see this movie is crazy according to my team’s prediction.

– Taylor, can you please calm down? – Mom asks me and I shake my head ‘no’, making Claire burst out laughing and mom rolls her eyes in annoyance.

Then my phone buzz in my hand and I instantly open a smile. Travis.

He’s been an amazing person to talk to, and I won’t deny I’m willing to know him in person as soon as I can, which is probably happening on 15th. I read the message and my heart melts for him:

‘Hey, miss Swift, big day uh? Go wrap the stadium around your little finger and make them smile like crazy at the sound of your pretty songs. And Tay, you are already perfect, don’t worry about eventual mistakes.’

He called me Tay for the first time and I’m literally giggling and kicking my feet right now. Suddenly the butterfly on my stomach has nothing to do with my nerves but with him.

– Oh no I’m falling in love again…– Claire starts to sing to tease me and I send a dead glare at her. It’s not like this, I just think it’s cute the way he praises my work, something my ex never did in six fucking years. Thankfully mom is not paying attention so her teasing goes unnoticed.

– Hey, we are about to get on stage. Crowd is crazy out there Tay!– Este comes to my dressing room and I hug her.

– Thanks for telling me, now I’m calmer– I say with rolled eyes and she chuckles.

– You don’t need to be nervous, girl. Just have fun and pretend you’re not seeing the camera men running around you.

I know she’s right, it’s dumb of me being anxious after all these years but it’s the price I pay for being a perfectionist. It’s a blessing and a curse.

Soon enough I hear tree shaking me slightly.

– It’s time, sweetheart. Go break a leg.

I rehearse so much it’s like everything is on my bones, so I just follow her and gently warm up my vocal cords, talking with my crew and dancers.

– Here, Miss Swift. – my worker takes me to my cleaning cart.

– Okay, let’s have some fun guys.


3 days later

“We did Trav! Everything went amazing these past three nights! Now we have a couple days to breathe and amazing shots to select.”

I text him as soon as I reach my phone in the dressing room, and it’s like he’s been waiting for my text the whole day because he immediately types an answer.

“This film will be amazing, babe, I just logged off of a grainy livestream and I was just shocked the whole time. Now go home and rest, I’m worried about your feet after 3 fucking hours on a heel.”

“They are indeed hurting, but it’s a welcome pain because it means I had fun.”

“I wish I was there to help you with a massage. It really helps.”

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