Naming our Trio

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The next day we four were walking inside the campus we saw prof Robin coming towards us worried I wonder what happened. He came and told me to go away from those three so that he could talk to them rude! anyways I went a little away from them they were talking very seriously I wonder what it would be after few minutes he called me to where they were standing and said no matter what these 3 say you have to follow I don't want to hear otherwise you will be scolded very bad if you don't follow it okay and Arnav will accompany you to my cabin when your posting starts you know what forget that I will take you with me after lunch rest they will tell you ok please don't cause or be in trouble today. He waved to us and went away. I turned to them and they all looked concerned they said the seniors are causing a little problem because of yesterday that's why prof asked us to look after you more like you are not caught by seniors you will have classes with me and Abhishek by your side and washroom and other girly things with Mrinal and if any trouble just ring up professor Robin. 😳 this was my face I was going to have panic attack I guess they all guessed it and stopped me from having a breakdown they said hey don't worry you have us we won't leave you. We and Mrinal parted our ways while going to take our respective classes we saw our seniors staring at me my hands were sweating really bad and I didn't know I was shivering as well Arnav and Abhishek took my hands into their hands and said stop shaking so much we are here for you it was the first time I got such good friends in one go I gave them a little smile as we entered the lecture theatre all the other students were looking at us and one of them said here comes the cry baby guess only studying doesn't make you an all-rounder after all she is just a book worm. They were saying many hurtful things guess that was the seniors plan all along as they couldn't directly talk to me because of that ragging threat going on. I was about to leave the class Abhishek tightened his grip on my hand and shook his head into NO and Arnav just said to all of them I guess you all are doing a little too well in your respective works is it lets ask our HOD about you all should we.
One of the girls said they did warn us about her wooing all the men around her to protect her what do you do to make all of them go gaga over you, profs as well what did you give them tell us as well?
My face was turning red with anger and with all the overwhelming emotions. Arnav whispered in my ears calm down they won't matter if you don't let them get into your head leave it let's just sit in our place. As we sat Abhishek said prof Robin has said that he would take all 4 of us for sightseeing and treat us with Maggie and tea. First I think he was going to ask only Mrinal then he decided to include us also anyway who cares tomorrow is sunday we will enjoy tomorrow.
They both said how about we give you a nickname what do you want us to call you. They were distracting me from the background noises and it was working really well I must say. I told them whatever they want to call me they could, they looked at me for few seconds and they whispered in eachothers ears then together announced red panda isn't it the best nickname ever. I was speechless I asked them to explain why that name they said we have noticed you turn red when you are angry and about to tear up or when standing under scorching heat and you are kind of cute so red panda it is they looked very proud as if they had solved world poverty. I will focus on the good part that I am cute rest they can call me whatever they want and it is cute so win-win situation. I said yes it is really fitting. Then we were thinking about what to call our trio and what would be better than harry potter refrences I was obviously Hermione and Arnav was Ron , Abhishek was Harry, Mrinal was Ginny. Unanimously we agreed prof Robin was prof Snape he checked all the boxes rude and ruthless on the face but with the ulterior motive to protect us or specially me. We laughed and talked took our classes. I almost forgot my problems (syappe). We went to have lunch and met Mrinal and Swati there we started eating our lunch we told them about our Harry Potter analogy and their nickname for me. They agreed with prof Snape being apt and my nickname seems to catch up quickly. I was red panda now onwards RP for short. Prof Robin was also sitting there having lunch keeping an eye on me from time to time. After he had lunch he came to our table asked me if I had finished which I hadn't yet half my portion was left I said no sir not yet he said try to eat faster sometimes you are too slow I am outside call me when you are done. Swati seemed little curious why professor was waiting for me to take to rounds. We gave her a short brief she seemed surprised that a prof could be so caring. She said I am jealous that RP has the professor all to herself I choked on my food. She said sorry I didn't mean it like that and didn't realise I said it aloud. We continued talking while I finished my meal and called prof Robin to tell him I had finished. We met at the entrance of the canteen he smells like cigarette how can he counsil patients to quit smoking where he can't seem to stop himself anyways what is it to me I started coughing as we entered his cabin as the smell of the smoke was overbearing in a closed space. He said just keep the gate open for some time you really can't handle little smell of smoke huh. I choose to stay mum. He asked me how was your day did any senior say or do something to you I said no sir nothing of that sort happened he already has a lot on his plate I shouldn't bother him unnecessaryily . We got done with our shifts peacefully. He said I guess they would have told you about tomorrow's trekking I said they didn't mention trekking to me why you don't wanna come it's not like that prof they said sightseeing I will wear shoes that's all.
Before going out I asked him if he doesn't go to church on Sundays. He said yes I do , then what about tomorrow's mass( type of pooja in christians) . He said I will go in the evening I will text you the details bye miss Xavier I will walk you to your friends and with saying bye to Mrinal he went away.

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