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"Malar,Open the damn Door

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Open the damn Door."

KalyanRam was knocking on the door for the past 3 minutes.

"Malar why aren't you speaking?
Reply you father,my daughter."

Kalyan's started pleading and banging the door with frusturation and tiredness in his voice.

"Beta it's okay.
We are humans.
We make mistakes.
It's no big deal for me.
I don't give a damn about that.
I was bit angry.
I am sorry about my harsh words.
Please Malar,
I beg you Angel.
Open the door."

Kalyan started crying remembering his words which he said to Malar an hour ago due to Malar's life's biggest mistake which took last night.

Why aren't you aaaa.. answering?"

Suddenly something, a thought, a nightmare struck Kalyan's mind which made him panic and react impulsively.
Without thinking any further he started kicking the door.

"Don't.. Don't..Malar..don't..
My daughter is brave.
She is the strongest..
She is my inspiration."

He started screaming or yelling or what you call beg for her safety to God in his coping mechanism.

Don't do anything."

He yelled and kicked the door again.

"Malar Beta don't even think about it."

He cried.


He took a breathe as he finally kick opened the door.
He stepped inside and his eyes fell on the pale weak figure lying on the floor across the bed with a deep cut on her wrist and blood pool flowing in his feet direction.

What did you just do?

He immediately ran to Malar,sweat dripped from his head and moods.

His clothes sticked to his skin due to sweat that dripped from his body due to continous hassle as Malar was giving no response.

Tears emerged from his eyes as he saw the cut on her wrist and her closed eyes with tears on her cheeks.

Her neck and the shirt's front were wet with tears and her nose and cheeks were the darkest shade of pink a skin could have,with veins under dark circles due to continous cryings.
Her lips were blue due to deoxygenation.

Don't leave Dada."

He instantly picked her up in his arms and ran out of the room, continuously yelling,

Get the Damn car out."

He ran to the reeling and took a turn and started descending stairs abrubtly.

He felt he had no strength left in his body.
He felt his legs were no longer with him.

He felt that he should have been at her place.
He regretted the last one hour of his life.

𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐫-𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now