Chapter 7

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Imagine this: you're riding a scooter through town with your 2nd best friend who's the deputy, wind rolling in your short hair sunglasses and a leather jacket to complete the bad cop look. Your feeling cool and jazzy, the deputy to the deputy,  and today you get to hang out wisth him while checking your hunch at the Mean Bean.
Suddenly your snapped out of your thoughts when your friend trips on his scooter when he tries to do a trick.
That's what happened to Casey! It's been a busy day and even though she's really worried about Sonic,
(who hasn't even called back yet)
riding with Wade helped clear her mine even if he was a clutz.
"Hey Bob Maria how you doing?"
Wade said hello to the various people watching them.
"I don't think they heard us."
Casey yelled.
"Yeah Probably not, we're moving too fast!"
Wade triped again but kept going. Casey chuckled as she breathed the good fresh air. 
"Town looking like it's in good hands."
Wade said turning a corner.
"Yeah especially when we're patrolling!"
They paused to fist bump each other.  They scootered across the street to the Mean Beans entrance. 
"Excuse me!" 
Wade called to the cars.
"Yeah coming through!"
Casey slide to a perfect stop.
"Nailed it!"
Wade tried the same thing, but it didn't work out. An older gentleman passed them by, and Wade waved, a bit out of breath.
"Just...working on my moves."
Casey put her hands on her hips.
"Well Wade, keep working on it."
Casey went to open the door to the Mean Bean, but it was locked.
Wade tried, but the door wouldn't budge.
"Closed, that doesn't seem right."
Casey bent down and noticed the health inspection sign was changed.
Wade bent down too and peaked inside.
"Ahg!! Casey look!"
She scooted over to see. But what she saw didn't even surprise her: some dude  turned the cafe into some tech filled lair. It was dark creepy and tiny flying drones flying about. The dude was oblivious to their watching, currently playing "Eggman dress up".
"Well...I guess my hunch was right."
"You had a hunch about this place!?"
Wade was still surprised and now he was panicking.
Casey stammered.
"I thought you knew. No matter we may need backup. Wade?"
Wade  was already calling the first person he calls when he gets nervous on the job.
"Sorry Sonic, guess we're gonna have to ruin Toms vacation."
Casey wipped out her phone to call Sonic for the umpteenth time.
"Yeah Wade, you  call Mr. Tom. I'ma try to reach Sonic. Again."
Wade nodded, taking out his walkie talkie and calling the main connection.
"This is command center."
"Get me Tom, asap. Stat."
Wade whispered screamed.
Casey growls as Sonics voicemail played.
"Where are you little dude?..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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