Chapter 4: Cul-De-Sack knows

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Once home Edd went inside first. After shutting the door behind him Kevin found Edd on the couch looking at the wall. Figuring Edd could use a distraction, Kevin leaned down and captured Edd's lips in a heated kiss. Edd kissed back with so much passion that Kevin had to sit down. Kevin traced his tongue across Edd's bottom lip asking for entrance, which the ravenette complied to. Their tongues fought for dominance before Kevin won. They sat on the couch making out and not pulling away unless it was to catch their breaths.

One hour later everyone from the Cul-de-Sack was at Edd's front door interrupting Edd's make-out session with Kevin. With a groan he opened the the door. "Hey Double Dee! We are here like you wanted" Ed waved standing next to Rolf. "Yes I remember. Now come in all of you" Edd told them, then he noticed Eddy. "Eddy put that out now!" Edd yelled. Eddy just took another puff of the cigarette that rested in between his lips. "Sorry man" Eddy said and dropped the cigarette and stepped on it to make sure it was out. Kevin just sighed. "We have alot to go through today." He said in a huff arms crossed over his chest.

"So explain to us now sockhead" Eddy said just as curious as everyone else. "O.k where do I begin. I guess I have to start at the beginning" Edd said as everyone even Kevin nodded. "Kevin and I are a half dragon species that do date back a long time. The newborn looks exactly like how Plank does right now. Within the first couple months of life the male loses his wings until he/she gets to age of 18. On their 18th birthday their dragon qualities come back with sudden pain. They are raised like any normal human being until the time comes then their mate teaches them everything. They usually scream in pain but it's muffled out to all but their mate who must fly to them within 24 hours or risk the death of their partner and them. The female however keeps their dragon qualities that he/she is born with and starts to train to be ready for when their mate is ready. They are taught how to fend off others and are told to protect their mate with their lives since they get only one mate for their life. Someone who once was a ladies man would loose all interest in others once they find their mate. For those who are homosexual they just have to hope that their mate is the same gender as them. For me I was lucky to get my crush as my mate" Edd explained Kevin blushed once he found out they were crushing on each other before this happened. It took a moment to absorb everything in then Eddy shot his hand up. "Yes Eddy?" Edd thought he would ask if he could go and smoke again. "If the male and female in the relationship are both female how does she get pregnant? And if the female of the paring is a male how does he get pregnant? I think I know how a guy gets pregnant if he's with another dude" Eddy asked as Nazz gave him a glare. "I don't know how to answer that one Eddy but you are right with the female and male and both male they just have intercourse and because my body is different than Kevin because I'm the female of this relationship I will get pregnant. Though I don't have the female parts," Edd answered to the best of his abilities. The lovable oaf was the next to speak. "So it's like Johnny and that Rave person too I mean we all seen how happy he was that the baby kicked and he was obviously pregnant" The oaf stated. Edd nodded wondering how his brother in law was after the shock of the whole Cul-de-Sack coming to see his child. 'I will go over tomorrow to apologize to him' Edd noted.

A couple hours later everyone went home. Sarah was complaining about how Dragoon shouldn't be latched to only one person like she was at the hospital telling him how hot he was pissing Johnny off and yelling at her, telling her that Dragoon was his and back down. All she did in return was continue her advancements to the annoyance of both Jimmy and Johnny. 'Sorry but I'm taken for life' was Dragoon's reply pointing to the gold band around his ring finger leaving Edd to hold his nephew. Kevin chased her out of the house telling her that was enough. "I thought they would never leave" Kevin sighed and flopped down beside Edd. Edd in turn yawned and snuggled into Kevin. The day had done a toll on him. The kids of the Cul-de-Sack stayed and had pizza for supper while Edd explained everything that he knew. Kevin yawned and realized he was just as tired. He picked up Edd bridal style and took to Edd's room and dropped him on the bed. Kevin crawled in right after covering them both in a blanket. Tails entwined with each other they quickly fell asleep.

The next day flew by and Edd found himself in front of the room of Johnny. He knocked before entering only finding Johnny holding Plank. "Hi Edd, Dragoon is at band practice" Johnny smiled and Plank cooing upon hearing his uncle's name. "It's alright I came to see you anyway. I'm here to apologize. I didn't mean to scare you but they all wanted to see the baby and I couldn't stop them from coming. So I apologize greatly" Edd said looking for forgiveness. "It's alright, they would of found out sooner or later" Johnny said. Edd went over to them and looked at Plank. A smile spreading across his face. After a couple hours he left and Dragoon came back.

When Edd got back he was greeted by the open arms of Kevin. "How did it go?" he asked hugging Edd. "He was fine with it and god I can't wait to have a kid" Edd said in a daze. Kevin chuckled, he knew that Edd was getting attached to his nephew. At least when they will babysit Plank that will be helping get ready for when they do have a kid of their own. For the rest of the day Edd couldn't get his nephew's smiling face out of his head. Before he realized it, it was time for bed but tomorrow was the last day of school for the week that meant he could spend the weekend over at the hospital with Kevin and Plank. At the thought he smiled happy he got along with his brother despite the confusion at the first time they met.

(Dragoon here! So it looks like Ed, our loveable oaf gained some brain cells hmmm? Anyways don't forget to comment. See you in the next chapter!)

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