Chapter 6:Cold Revenge

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Ethan Pov:

  "Just what I wanted," he said, his voice laced with frustration, panting, and doubt.

  "Hello! It's me. I don't know who you are, but please let go of my daughter," he pleaded.

  I whispered coldly into the phone, "It's funny how you expect me to do as you say."

  "Who are you? And what the hell do you want?" he demanded, his desperation growing.

  "Couldn't recognize me now, could you, Uncle dearest?" I taunted, knowing the effect my words would have.

  His breath hitched, and I imagined the look of shock and fear on his face.

  "Let her go, Ethan. She didn't do anything to you," he begged, his voice cracking.

  I responded in a monotone, "Let her go, Ethan? You want me to let go of her?"

  "Please, I beg you," he whimpered, his desperation escalating.

  "You know what I want," I said bluntly. "I want you to turn mein to the police, and I'll let go of her."

  He begged, his voice laced with tears, "Please, Ethan... please."

  He begs in a crying tone, "Please, I'll do anything, just don't hurt my daughter." His desperation is pathetic, but I remain unmoved.

  "I don't need your begging, asshole," I respond in a monotone. "And I don't want you to go to the police. That's not what I want."

  He pleads, "I'll do anything you say, just don't hurt her."

  Things are going according to plan, and I continue, "Save your daughter by giving me that file you stole years ago." My harsh tone sends shivers down his spine.

  He stutters, "W-what file?" Ah, the coward thinks he can play dumb.

  "Don't play games, Uncle," I say in a cold tone, my anger simmering. "You know exactly what file I want. And if you don't cooperate, your daughter will suffer the consequences."

  He begs again, "Ethan, please stop! I beg you, that file is not with me!"


  He trembles, "Those papers are at Anderson's group... they have the file." His voice shakes, and my anger reaches a new level.

  As his voice shook, my anger grew stronger. The rage inside me urged me to go there and kill him, but I couldn't until I had those papers in my hand. I growled, "Get me those papers at any cost, or else your daughter will taste the bullet, and then I'll cut her into pieces. Good luck finding her."

  He tried to speak, but I cut the call, my anger boiling over. I paced back and forth, seething with rage. How could he do this? How could he give that file to someone else? But knowing him, that bastard would do anything for money. He'd sell out his own family as long as his pockets were filled.

  I sighed frustratedly, "This will take a long while." I muttered, tossing my phone onto the bed. The tension and anger are still simmering, and the reader is left wondering what will happen next.

  "What!? That piece of shit sold those documents?" Steve exclaimed, his anger matching mine.

  "That idiot sold them to Anderson's group," I confirmed, my anger still simmering.

  Steve sprang into action, grabbing his car keys. "Let's go get those documents!"

  I held up a hand, stopping him. "We won't go there. He'll get the documents back for us."

  Steve's frustration was palpable. "But why can't we go? Those files belong to our parents, not that bastard or that fucking group!"

  I understood his temper, so I stepped in. "The documents may belong to us, but that doesn't mean we can just barge in there."

  Steve pressed on, his eyes blazing. "Why can't we go? Why should we wait and do nothing?"

  I held his gaze, my voice firm. "He stole the file, so he'll bring it back. We can't risk more than we already have."

  Steve scowled, his face red with anger. "Ethan, let's not play this game anymore. We've waited long enough. Let's just get that file!"

  He looked at me, his expression hopeful. "No," I replied, dashing his hopes.

  "But why?" Steve asked, his frustration evident.

  I ignored his question, returning to the file, but Steve persisted, repeating the question like a broken record. My patience wore thin, and I raised my voice. "HE NEEDS TO GET THOSE PAPERS! DO YOU THINK I DON'T WANT TO GO THERE? DO YOU THINK I'VE ENJOYED WAITING ALL THESE YEARS?"


  Losing my temper, I hurled the glass beside me to the floor, shattering it into pieces. "IF WE WENT THERE TO GET THOSE PAPERS, WE'D CREATE ANOTHER ENEMY! AND RIGHT NOW, I DON'T WANT ANOTHER ASSHOLE STICKING UP MY ASS!"

  Steve flinched, then retorted, "Since when did you start caring about this? You don't even care about your own life."

  I chuckled bitterly. "Yes, I don't care about my life, and I don't give a single fuck about anything else either.

  "I indeed don't give a single fuck about myself," I said, my voice firm.

  "Then, why?" Steve whispered, his eyes searching for answers.

  "You, I'm doing this for you," I replied, clenching my fist.

  "Me? What do you even...EJ," Steve spoke in an exhausted tone, his frustration evident.

  "Going there will only cause us more trouble and another enemy upon us. I don't have a fucking problem going there; I can go right now without waiting for him to do it. But your safety will be at risk since you're the thing that's considered my weakness," I explained, my jaw clenched.

  "EJ, don't you understand? We need those files! Please, don't care about my life, and let's go," Steve begged, his desperation palpable.

  I closed my eyes, my mind racing. "You're the only person I care about, Steve. I won't risk your life for anything."

  "You're the only person left in my life," I said, my voice low and menacing. "Dare you to say those words, and I'll make sure you regret being born."

  With that, I turned to walk away, leaving Steve in a state of fear.

  "One more thing," I added, my voice cold and calculating. "You live because I want you to, and you'll only die when I want you to. So, don't even think about trying anything, and keep yourself in check. We'll go according to the plan."

  Steve tried to speak, but I cut him off, my tone firm. "I hope I made myself clear."

  With that, I walked away, leaving him to ponder the weight of my words.









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