Chapter 8

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Aryan felt something heavy on his heart.

"I don't know this version of you," she wept.

"This man who takes pleasure in my torment. Where is the man who promised me love and happiness?"

Sejal's voice fractured, her anguish pouring forth in a pitiful whimper.

"How can I please a man who takes joy in my suffering?" she sobbed, her words tinged with desperation and disbelief.

"What happened to the man who promised not to hurt me, not to betray my trust?"

Aryan's heart ached as he listened to Sejal's anguish, the words

"man who smiles to see me in pain" cutting through his defences like a dagger.

He knew deep down that she wasn't wrong; he had changed, becoming a man who derived pleasure from her suffering.

It hurt to hear the truth out loud, to acknowledge the monster he had become.

Sejal's voice shook as she spoke, her anguish and pain evident in every word.

"You left me that day," she repeated, her words like a dagger to his heart.

The memory of that day, the day he had walked away and left her behind, hung in the air like a dark cloud. The hurt and betrayal in her voice was palpable, a constant reminder of the damage he had inflicted upon her.

Aryan's mind raced as he listened to Sejal's heartfelt plea. Her vulnerability and raw emotions touched something deep within him, stirring up feelings he thought had been long buried.

He struggled to find the right words to explain his behaviour, to apologize for the pain he had caused and the promises he had broken. The weight of guilt and regret pressed heavily upon him, making it difficult to find the right words to express himself.

Weary and emotionally drained, Sejal succumbed to exhaustion, her eyes closing gently as sleep overcame her. The room fell eerily silent as she slipped into unconsciousness, her body slumped motionless on the bed. Aryan watched her in the dim light, his mind a whirlwind of conflicted emotions.

Aryan watched Sejal sleeping, his thoughts racing through his mind.

He grappled with the overwhelming mix of emotions surging through him: love, guilt, anger, and desperation.

The sight of her, looking so peaceful and vulnerable in her sleep, only intensified the turmoil within him. Time seemed to stretch on as he wrestled with the demons in his own mind, torn between the desire to hold her close and the fear of what he might do to her.

Aryan stood motionless, his body frozen in indecision. A part of him longed to reach out and touch Sejal, to hold her close and make amends for his transgressions. But another part of him, the darker side that had taken over, held him back. Torn between the two conflicting emotions, he ultimately did nothing but turned away and walked out of the room.

Sejal's eyes slowly fluttered open, her mind fuzzy and disoriented as she slowly regained consciousness. She found herself suddenly in the back seat of a moving car, the sound of the engine and the passing scenery outside the window jarring in her groggy state. Disoriented and confused, she looked around, trying to piece together the events of the past hours and how she had ended up here.

As she looked around, Sejal noticed the person driving the car was none other than Aryan himself. He sat in the driver's seat, his expression unreadable, his focus seemingly on the road ahead. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over her - relief at seeing him, but also a lingering unease and fear. She wondered where he was taking her and what he had planned next.

Sejal's mind raced with fear and uncertainty, her heart pounding against her chest as she pondered Aryan's next move. She tried to find her voice amidst the tangle of emotions, her voice trembling as she finally spoke up, her words thick with trepidation.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aryan's response was cryptic yet commanding, "Wait and watch yourself."

The words hung in the air, leaving Sejal even more confused and on edge. She glanced at him, but his eyes remained fixed on the road ahead, giving her no hint of his intentions or their destination.

Fear and uncertainty gnawed at her, her mind flooded with dreadful possibilities.

Sejal's mind struggled to make sense of the situation, her thoughts spinning in confusion. She couldn't fathom why she was suddenly in this car with Aryan.

The suddenness and randomness of it all left her feeling disoriented and uncertain. She glanced around the vehicle, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings, searching for clues that might give her a hint of where they were going or what was about to happen.

In an effort to regain some semblance of composure, Sejal leaned back against the car seat, resting her back against the worn leather.

She closed her eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths in an attempt to steady her racing thoughts and calm her nerves. The gentle hum of the engine and the steady rhythm of the wheels on the road provided a makeshift form of comfort, but it did little to alleviate the growing sense of unease gnawing at her.

The atmosphere in the car grew tense as Aryan steered the vehicle towards a sprawling mansion. Its grandeur stood in stark contrast to the darkness and uncertainty that surrounded them.

The mansion stood tall and imposing, its intricate architectural details illuminated by strategically placed spotlights. Just the sight of it further intensified Sejal's unease, her mind filled with a mix of curiosity and dread.

She had no idea what awaited them within those walls, and the uncertainty only added to her mounting anxiety.

As Sejal gazed upon the grand mansion, she was struck by its unfamiliarity.

She had never seen this place before in her life, and it stood in stark contrast to her usual surroundings. She wondered who owned such a place and what significance it held in Aryan's plan.

The questions swirled in her mind, further deepening her sense of disorientation and fear.

Aryan stepped out of the car and made his way around to the passenger side, opening the door for Sejal.

He extended his hand towards her, offering her assistance as she emerged from the vehicle. She hesitated for a moment before accepting his hand.

Sejal gingerly took Aryan's hand, her fingers instinctively wrapping around his as she stepped out of the car. As she stood beside him, she could feel the weight of his presence, the conflicting mix of warmth and coldness emanating from him.

She lifted her eyes to meet his gaze.

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