Chapter 16

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Sejal tossed and turned, her mind too restless to find solace in sleep. The silence of the room weighed heavily on her, amplifying her anxiety and insecurity.

Every creak and murmur outside sent a jolt through her, her senses heightened in anticipation of Aryan's return.

The minutes felt like hours as Sejal struggled to find respite in the darkness. The silence was oppressive, the room feeling more like a prison than a place of comfort.

As Sejal lay there, unable to sleep, her mind couldn't help but wander to the question of why Aryan had left. The reasons behind his absence fueled her imagination, creating a tangled web of possibilities.

Was it a power play, a way to make her desperate for his presence? Or was there something else, some sinister motive yet to be revealed?

Finally, exhaustion overtook Sejal, and she found herself drifting into a fitful sleep. The weight of the day's events, the fear, and uncertainty drained her, pulling her into a restless slumber.

As her mind succumbed to unconsciousness, her body remained tense even in sleep, her subconscious still on high alert, awaiting Aryan's return.

As Sejal opened her eyes, the faint light of dawn seeped through the window. She groggily sat up, her body still exhausted from a restless night.

Her mind was preoccupied with the memory of Aryan's absence and the possible consequences of it. Getting out of bed, she slowly made her way to the door, her heart pounding in her chest, anticipating what might lie beyond.

Sejal's fingers trembled slightly as she reached out to open the door. The metallic click of the lock echoed in the quiet room, and the door slowly creaked open. She stood there, peering out into the hallway, her eyes scanning the space, searching for any sign of Aryan's presence.

Sejal let out a sigh of relief as she confirmed that Aryan was not in the vicinity. The absence of his dominant presence seemed to lighten the atmosphere, allowing her to breathe a little easier.

Though the feeling was momentary, it provided a small reprieve from the constant dread that had been weighing her down.

Sejal cautiously stepped out into the hallway, her eyes scanning the surroundings. She moved with subtle precision, trying not to draw attention to herself.

Every step was calculated, every glance aimed to assess the situation without raising suspicion. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, but for now, the hallway appeared empty.

Sejal continued her careful progress down the hallway, her eyes darting, searching for any signs of Aryan. Despite her alertness, the area remained eerily silent, and not a single person appeared to be lurking in the shadows.

Her heart rate gradually slowed, but the feeling of paranoia persisted, as if there was someone just out of sight, observing her every move.

Sejal took a few more steps down the hallway, her footsteps soft against the cold floor. The absence of sound was both reassuring and unnerving at the same time. She couldn't shake the feeling that eyes were on her, even though there was no clear indication of anyone's presence.

She tried to relax, to appear nonchalant, but her body betrayed her as it remained tense, ready for any unexpected encounter.

Sejal made her way towards the main door, her heart rate steadily increasing as she drew closer. The prospect of freedom, however brief, fueled her determination to escape. Despite her growing anxiety, she maintained a calm facade, not wanting to attract unwanted attention.

Just as Sejal was nearing the main door, Aryan seemingly appeared out of nowhere, seizing her hand with a firm grip. His unexpected presence caught her off guard, her heart leaping into her throat as she tried to wrench herself free.

Aryan's statement, "Sweetheart! So you don't want to live here?"

The choice was far from a simple one. She longed for freedom, for a life away from his oppressive control.

However, she was painfully aware of his power and the consequences of defying him. Each word he uttered seemed to tighten the noose around her neck, trapping her in a web of submission and obedience.

Her silence was an admission of her helplessness, her resignation to the cruel reality of their relationship.

Sejal's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing for a response. She knew that Aryan was testing her, exerting his dominance and power over her. Summoning what little courage she had left, she replied, her voice slightly trembling, "I... I just..."

Aryan's cold declaration, "You can't even move without my permission," hit her like a punch to the gut.

The realization of her complete dependency on him weighed heavily on her, making her feel weak and trapped.

Sejal's heart ached as she silently acknowledged the truth in his words. He controlled every aspect of her life, every move she made was subject to his approval.

The thought of living like this forever filled her with despair, her mind warring between her longing for freedom and her fear of the consequences of defiance.

As Aryan questioned her, his words cutting her like a sharp blade, Sejal's chest tightened. His assertion,

"Don't you think you are here because I allowed you?" sent a shiver down her spine.

The harsh truth in his words was undeniable. She was here, in this place, because he had permitted it. She was a mere plaything in his hands, her existence dictated solely by his whims and desires. The lack of control over her own life only amplified her despair, strengthening the chains of submission that bound her.

In the face of Aryan's cold assertions, Sejal backed herself against a nearby wall, desperately searching for some semblance of support. Her legs threatened to give way beneath her, the weight of his words crushing her spirit. Her breathing became shallow and panicked as she tried to maintain her composure, her mind racing in a desperate attempt to find a way out of this hopeless situation.

Aryan observed Sejal's body language, noting the way she was pressed against the wall, her breathing labored and panicked. His gaze held a cold, calculating glint, as if he was dissecting her every reaction.

With deliberate steps, Aryan closed the distance between them, his movements slow and calculated. He moved with a predatory grace, his eyes never leaving Sejal's face as he approached her. Her body instinctively tensed, her back pressing against the wall as if it could somehow protect her from his presence.

Sejal's body involuntarily slumped as she felt herself falling into Aryan's strong arms.

Aryan wrapped his arms around her. He effortlessly pulled her away from the wall.

The combination of her fear, exhaustion, and Aryan's overpowering presence finally became too much for Sejal to bear. Her body went limp, and her eyes rolled back into her head as she lost consciousness. Her body sagged against Aryan's chest.

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