ch 8 someone's wife

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As soon as the mask mam removes his mask from the face. Zara was shocked that her eyes got wide and she was freezing in her place.

Zara said to herself No? No? This cannot be? You to me again? No, this time it cannot happen, this time our luck cannot support you.

Just as she was thinking about all this, she heard a deep voice, Begum, don't think too much.

Otherwise, this little brain of yours will start getting pain and then will a doctor who cures others become ill herself?

Zara looks towards that man, they both have eye contact and both keep looking at each other.Both of them would look at each other for 10 mins It would seem as if they were talking with their eyes and not with their tongues.

Looking at Zara it seemed as if her past was in front of her. There was love in her eyes but more anger than hatred.

Tears come to Zara's eyes or those tears come to her cheek. Seeing the tears in her eyes or the tears to that man's eyes, he controls his tears and starts going near Zara.

Zara says in her mind, what are you doing Zara, is crying in front of this man, he, he hasn't even known your love, you are crying in front of the wrong man. Don't cry in front of this person. Crying in front of him won't do anything, it will only make it seem like I'm pretending. Don't cry.

Then that person comes to Zara and says, look, don't cry looking at yo..

He doesn't finish talking and then Zara slaps her.

The sound of the slaps thrown by Zara was heard in the entire mansion.

As soon as the dance was over, Rohan had sent all the guests towards the garden, due to which there is no one left in the mansion except that man and Zara.

She says in anger Stop it Mr. DAIVIK MITTAL.

How did you agree to come here? You are not happy. I am starting my life again with my husband.Don't you feel ashamed of ending the lives of others? You yourself told me to leave from here, so I left.

Daivik placed his hand on Zara's shoulder and said, look Zara, I understand that you are angry or it is okay for you to be angry. What I did to you is not right, it is very wrong.

Zara removes Daivik's hand from her shoulder and takes two steps back.
mistake divine you think it is a mistake it is not a mistake it was a punishment punishment I was punished for a mistake I didn't commit.

You gave me such punishment that it killed me.

Daivik Going near Zara he says please stop crying first and yes I know.
I made a mistake or I got punished for my mistake. Since you left, I wake up and see you. At that time I did not know what had happened to me.
I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm sorry.

Zara speaks with a fake smile Sorry Mr Daivik Mittal Let me tell you one thing, loving and maintaining love is not for everyone.You killed a celebrity girl. You killed me.Saying this, she falls on her knees and starts crying loudly.

Seeing Zara on her knees, daivik appears on his knees in front of Zara.

Daivik Seeing this in front of you, you cried a little and You told me to go away from here, you ruined my happiness, you killed yourself, you are a wretched person, You were the one who told me to go away with this wretchedness of mine, so I left, why have you come to this wretched, what should you do you want from me? Haan?

Zara had stopped crying, but now instead of anger, there was hatred on her face along with these words, Zara looks towards Daivik.

Divine why are you here please go please let me move forward in my life I am someone's wife.

Wife.. wife Hearing this, Daivik starts laughing a little.

Zara looks at Daivik and Zara feels a bit strange seeing him.

Daivik looks at Zara and controls his laughter and says, Oh my little wife,Do you think I will let you marry someone else when I am there?Remember, just a moment ago I called you by that name.

Zara gets shocked after hearing about daivik and remembers when both of them were dancing and when the dance was over.Zara asks Daivik to lose the mask and he calls her Begum.

Begum.. Begum, these words start echoing in Zara's mind or she shakes her head and speaks no.No, this cannot happen to you and my husband, no, this cannot happen to me and you, not me, I am married to Neil, I am Neil's wife.

Oo yes You are married to Neil? Isn't it ?But did you see the face of your future groom at the time of marriage? It is also possible that the groom may change at the end time

To be continued....

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