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Ash along with Imogen , Tabby,  Faran and Noa went to the computer labs when Mouse texted them about something important she had to show them.

   "You know how people have been steadily posting about A on Spooky Spaghetti for the last six months? " She stated.

   "Yeah, since Archie Waters is apparently Millwood's version of the Slenderman. " Tabby said.

  Ash shook his head and looked at mouse , "yeah I went on that site last night and alot of it was garbage."

    " Most of it is fictionalized and random, almost stream of consciousness." Mouse explained looking nervous , " But someone just posted this. Pictures of us, our names, our identities, which have never been released, officially, because we're underage. "

   On the screen was the six friends themselves their pictures and names really had been posted on the website and to top it off the post was dubbed :  SURVIVORS OF THE MASSACRE shocking the other four girls and boys.

   "Now it's like we've got targets on our backs. " She said nervously.

   "The six ultimate loose ends." Imogen read ." The five final girls and the final boy."

     "Who posted this? Can't we get it taken down? Like, right the fսck now?" Noa demanded.

   " All postings are anonymous, but I already emailed Spooky Spaghetti. No response from the website's admin yet"

Ash looked at the screen , "what the fuck. Why are people dubbing me the lucky  last boy standing ?"

Faran made a sound , "Techincally speaking of all the boys Archie murdered , Tyler , Tabby's attacker and who knows who else you are indeed the last boy standing."

Ash tsked not appreciating this whole final boy nonsense people it was as if there were people who seemed to think it was such an important position.

    "And there's more."

Ash looked at Mouse in disbelief , " There's more? "

Mouse clicked another part of the site revealing more pictures , " That's A's, and Angela's, bad-to-the-bone mother. Bloody Rose Waters. Lurking in places we each have a connection to."

Ash mirrored the same reactions with the others upon seeing the various images of the mystery woman wielding a knife lurking in the shadows.

  Tabby decided to speak on their behalf, "Okay, these are definitely unnerving, but also, they're most likely photoshopped. "

    "Very likely." The handsome liar stated. He highly doubted Rose Waters walked around Pinball pizza his favorite place with a fucking butcher knife undetected.

   "Rose Waters is going viral, just as the Slenderman and so many horror icons have done before her."

"Hey, why is Rose Waters "Bloody Rose Waters," anyway?" Noa asked.

  " There are theories on Spooky Spaghetti. Like, remember A's mask?" Mouse exclaimed , " How it was stitched together? "

     Imogen blanched,  "Literally still having nightmares about it."

Tabby's eyes widened , " Oh, God, I think I know where this is going. Leatherface territory. Legend has it,-"

  "There's a legend now?" Ash couldn't help sounding cocky .

FIVE PRETTY LIARS & A HANDSOME ONE Where stories live. Discover now