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In the first few minutes, he still didn't dare to move. After finally sneezing in the cold wind, he took the first step uneasily...

The rose patterns around him didn't move at all.

The thin man held his breath vigilantly and took another step forward. There was still nothing unusual around him. Just like that, he walked to the gate at a slow pace. The roses in the garden still showed no sign of attacking him. The thin man completely let go. Xin Lai, after walking a few steps quickly, ran out of the gate.

Seeing his safe and sound running figure, Lu Xi and others in the castle looked at each other. Is it really that simple?

The young man took the shotgun at hand and was about to go out and try it. The moment he put his hand on the door panel, Lucy suddenly shouted: "Look! That guy came back by himself again!"

Everyone hurriedly crowded in the window. When I went to look, I saw the thin man who had escaped from the garden just now, staggering in again. His face was ashen, his upper body was hunched, and his head was raised more and more strangely. If you get closer, you can see that both of his eyes twitched and turned white.

Finally, when he reached the gate, he fell down with a thud and never got up again.

On his back, there was a delicate red rose, which shot through his heart like an arrow, and the bright red blood spread like a crushed spider web.

Lu Xi and others took a breath.

Sure enough it's not that simple.

Lu Xi: "Why doesn't it work? Is there something that hasn't been returned yet?"

He looked back at the two empty bags on the coffee table and counted the returned jewelry one by one in his mind. Tableware, antiques, jewelry, obviously There was no one left, so why was he still dead?

Is it possible that once the curse sets in, there is no way to eliminate it?

Or did Rodirion not tell him the truth? Or maybe there is someone among these people who is hiding something that they haven't said yet.

After working for a long time, everything seems to be back to where it started.

Several people were sitting on the sofa, feeling unhappy, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn. Lu Xi gave them the little food left, but it was obvious that no one was in the mood to eat.

Lu Xi picked up the dry pancake, broke it in half and handed it to Heka, "Eat one more bite to survive the day, and maybe there is still hope of going out. We haven't reached the end of the road yet, so don't let the resentful spirit out yet." If you kill us, you will scare yourself to death."

Heka looked at the cakes he had stuffed in his hands, his eyes lowered, and he suddenly seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Otherwise, I will go find him, he is the only one who can do it now. Let's get out of here."

Lu Xi chewed the pancake and turned to look at him: "Are you going to see Rodirion? Don't you want to see him?"

After saying that, Lu Xi also reacted consciously. There is really no reliable way except to find him.

But thinking about the dispute between Heka and Rodirion, he couldn't help but advise: "Why don't we wait any longer. Besides, if you go to him, he may not help us."

Listen to what they said. As I said this, the young man opposite suddenly cast a curious look. Seeing that Heka remained silent, he asked Lu Xi: "Looking for Rodirion? What is his relationship with the third prince?"

Of course Lu Xi didn't either. Know.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and just when they thought they would not be waiting for an answer, Heka suddenly spoke up: "Fifty years ago, every prince in the royal family would have an exorcist, and I was his exclusive exorcist, and I was also his attendant. I was only twelve years old when I met him, and he was eight years old. We grew up together."

The young man smiled ambiguously: "So we are very close, childhood sweethearts?"

Heka said in a low voice, "I have always regarded him as my best friend. Friends, if that incident had not happened, I might have always taken care of him as a brother. You may not believe that there is such a person in the world who is so good at pretending. God gave him the appearance of a pure and innocent angel. He is courteous and courteous to everyone, pretends to be innocent and harmless, and approaches you naturally, making you unable to bear to refuse. By the time you realize it, you have fallen into his carefully laid trap. "

Listen to this description . , the young man recalled the third prince he met that night, and couldn't help but question: "Being modest and polite is okay, but being innocent and harmless is a bit too much, right? He gives people the impression of being quite dangerous."

Heka laughed: " I'm talking about before he became a vampire. If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, it would have been hard for me to believe that all of this was a conspiracy. Rodirion had been frail and sick since he was a child, and the exorcist witch doctor had also predicted that he would not live past the age of twenty-five. . Since learning about this incident, I have begun to take extra care of him, which is why he had an opportunity to take advantage of him. After drugging me to stun me, he used the magic circle to summon demons to sacrifice in the summoning ceremony. Using the psychic power of the thirteen exorcist clan leaders, he killed more than fifty clan members present, some of whom were children under ten years old. Finally, in order to destroy the evidence, he set fire to the scene, and the fire continued to spread. The dead souls in the entire palace and castle are all the maids and servants who were burned to death by him at that time. In order to live forever, he did not hesitate to sell his soul to the devil. In fact, he is an out-and-out devil! "

Frail and sick?

Lucy recalled seeing Rodirion as a child in the pylorus, and indeed there was always an abnormal blush on his face.

But was that innocent and kind feeling really just an act of his?

He deceived his friends, killed more than fifty tribesmen, and set fire to all the maids and servants in the castle.

Was this really done by Rody Ryan?

He vaguely felt that something was wrong...

After the rest, they lowered the lady hanging on the stairs and wrapped the body in curtains. If there was a chance to escape later, they would take her out and bury her. The old man now His whereabouts are unknown, but judging from the situation, there is no hope of survival.

Of the seven people who came, now only four remain.

I don't know how many will get out in the end.

Heka tried to contact Rodirion, but the other party showed no intention of showing up. Heka was so angry that he roared directly in the hall, and his roar was not a roar in the general sense. Lu Xi also Only then did I learn that the exorcist tribe actually had a special way of exorcising demons, called the "Roaring Killing Formation."

Use red wax oil to drip the pattern of the magic circle on the floor, and then light it with fire. The sound of a person standing in the magic circle will be amplified ten times invisibly. Reciting incantations in this voice can instantly wipe out low-level evil spirits, which is more suitable for large-scale indiscriminate attacks.

Looking at the young man opposite who was covering his ears, Lucy didn't take it seriously at first. Gradually, Lucy felt that her ears couldn't hold up, so she raised her hands to block her ears.

Looking at the crumbling crystal lamp above his head, he couldn't help but admire Rodirion's ability to endure. If he still refused to come out, did Heka have to bring down the entire castle?

But this is not the way to go.

Finally, Lu Xi found a chance to avoid everyone's sight, walked to a remote corner behind the bookcase, and took out the pendulum he had used before, and soon a bright red light flashed. He used the pylorus to enter that world again.

The world inside the door is always completely opposite to the current situation of the castle. This time it is a clear and clear evening. The setting sun outside the window is covered by the glow, and the clouds are colorful and integrated with the distant mountains, like a artistic conception. Profound oil painting.

Suddenly, a young man in white came out of the opposite door. When they saw Lu Xi, they were both stunned.

Because the other person looks like Rodirion now, but there is no gloom in his eyebrows. He is still as clear and innocent as when he was a child, and he is innocent and a bit silly.

And he recognized Lu Xi immediately, and an excited smile immediately bloomed on his face: "Are you the gentleman who helped me find my mother last time? It's been a long time since I saw you, and you really haven't changed at all."

Lu Xi looked at He actually just sighed and accepted the status quo without any doubts. It was almost dumbfounding.

Lu Xi looked at him and pretended to sigh: "Your Highness is already so tall, I wonder how old you are this year?"

Rodirion smiled and said: "What a coincidence that you asked, today happens to be my twenty-third birthday. ."

The young man smiled brightly, and his somewhat sickly pale complexion was tinged with a faint blush against the setting sun.

But Lucy couldn't laugh even once. He was twenty-three years old, which happened to be the year he turned into a vampire.

Rodirion also said that there will be his birthday party tonight. Although there are very few people, he hopes he can come to it. Lu Xi did not refuse directly, but he also knew in his heart that it was definitely impossible for him to participate.

He was pulled into the room by Rodirion to drink tea. The moment he walked into the room, Lucy saw a tall woman sitting on a chair in the room. However, because the door was far away, he He didn't see clearly at first, but as he got closer, he saw the woman on the chair, and realized that it wasn't a human at all, but a wooden doll as tall as a human!

The doll's hands are resting on the armrests. It is wearing a long red velvet dress. The entire body is painted with white paint. It has long golden hair on its head. The golden hair in the middle is tied into a bun and fixed with a crystal crown. Those blue glass ball eyes stared blankly ahead, as if they were not looking at anyone, but they seemed to have seen everything.

Lucy suddenly remembered the little angel's description of her mother before.

"My mother's name is Iaisha. She is very beautiful, with blond hair, big eyes, a long neck, wearing a red dress, and a crown."


The author has something to say: Gouzi: Tomorrow is New Year's Eve , I wish you all a happy new year ~ getting more and more beautiful ~

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