S3 EP3: Velder Masquerade Party

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Previously on Daystar Purgatory Season 3, Elsword and his group saved Lolli from getting married to Prince Roark on the day of her wedding, all thanks to the prince's daughter Aramis who exposed his true colors, resulting in the fall of the Rokugen Empire and the rise of the Republic of Hachimaru. Not long after returning to Elrios, the El Lady arrived with an invitation to Elesis' wedding, where he came to her rescue, resulting in the groom and the prince's arrest.

Later that night, upon seeing Dark Elsword, Add set his own house on fire and never looked back, and the next day, the Fantastic Ten was formed to protect different dimensions, with Ain receiving multiple invitations to an illegal masquerade party, which was organized by the fallen Prince Roark at the castle without permission from the Velder royal family, who's trying to regain control of the castle.

By the time the Fantastic Ten arrived to the Velder Castle, they encounter Vera, the princess  of the kingdom and a member of the Velder royal family, along with her uncle Laudius, also a member of the same family and the duke and current leader of the kingdom, since the throne was left empty, at the castle gates. The latter informs them about the masquerade party and gives them a quest to infiltrate the party and help the entire family regain access to the castle.

A few hours later, the Fantastic Ten arrived at the castle doors, where they were stopped by security guards, who asked for their name, to which they gave out fake names like Elsword's "Sir Eldridge", Aisha's "Lady Aurelia", "Mistress Reina" for Rena, "Sir Rylan" for Raven, "Evelyn II" for Eve, and "Bruce Chung" for Chung to note a few, in which they all let them in.

As soon as they entered the castle, Elsword, while posing and acting as Sir Eldridge, told the group to split into small different teams, in order to trick the Rokugen loyalists and sabotage the entire masquerade party. The first team consisted of him, Raven, Elesis and Ara, who were both under the guises of "Queen Elizabeth III" and "Maharajah Han" respectively, whereas the second team consisted of Aisha, Rena and Chung, the third one initially consisting of Add (as Edward Presley), Eve (as "Evelyn II") and Ain (as "Master of Fantasy") until Lu and Ciel joined them under the aliases of "The Daemons".

Meanwhile, while they were chilling in a large mansion, Laby and Noah were shocked to see a stranger, clad in a chef hat and a pot covering his entire body, knocking and breaking into their door, when suddenly, Rose came to their rescue by attacking said stranger, before informing them about the masquerade party and how they can help by joining the Fantastic Ten in their efforts of sabotaging the party in Velder.

As a result, the trio left the mansion and arrived in the Velder castle gates, only to be greeted by the security guards, who eventually let them into the castle after they gave fake names, including "Rosalina", "Miss Labyrinth" and "Ebalon's Keeper".

Upon arriving into the castle, they were welcomed by Sir Eldridge, who allowed them to form a team consisting of themselves, with their ally Lithia, posing as "Princess Lithium", joining their party, to which he assigned multiple different tasks for the teams in order to gain control of the Velder Castle.

The four teams parted ways with each other, with Sir Eldridge, Sir Rylan, Queen Elizabeth III and Maharajah Han getting their way through the ballroom, only to find a control room in a restricted area of the castle, where they managed to hijack into the castle's security system, with Rylan, disabling the system in order to let the blacklisted guests in.

On the other hand, Lady Aurelia, Mistress Reina and Bruce Chung managed to get in touch with a noble, who told them about a secret meeting between Rokugen loyalists, whereas Edward Presley played with the lightning and sound systems while Evelyn II and Master of Fantasy tricked the partygoers by creating multiple ghostly guests and the Daemons disrupted the entire flow of the party.

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