Iam Here For You

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It was another match day for Shubman Gill, and the Gujarat Titans were up against the Rajasthan Royals. The atmosphere was tense as fans eagerly watched the game unfold. Unfortunately, despite Shubman's best efforts, the Titans lost the match. The loss hit hard, and the internet was soon abuzz with negativity.

The internet can be a harsh place, and it didn't take long for trolls to start blaming Alia for the team's loss. Comments flooded in, filled with baseless accusations and hurtful remarks.

**Troll 1:**
"Alia Sharma is bad luck for Shubman. He should stay away from her if he wants to win!"

**Troll 2:**
"Ever since Shubman started dating Alia, his performance has gone down. He needs to focus on cricket, not Bollywood."

**Troll 3:**
"Alia is a distraction. Shubman should break up with her if he cares about his career."

**Troll 4:**
"Alia is the biggest panuti in Shubman's life! She should get the hell out of his life"

**Troll 5:**
"Alia is using him for fame. Shubman deserves better than this Bollywood flop actress"

**Troll 6:**
"Alia bc nikal ja shubman ki life se"

Alia, hurt and overwhelmed by the sudden wave of negativity, decided to call Shubman.


Shubman's Hotel Room

Shubman was in his hotel room, trying to shake off the disappointment of the match, when his phone rang. It was Alia.

Alia voice shaking
Shubman, have you seen what's happening online? They're blaming me for the loss. They think I'm bad luck for you.

Shubman calm and reassuring
Alia, don't listen to them. They don't know anything about us or our relationship. This is just how people react when things don't go their way.

But it hurts, Shubman. They're saying such terrible things.

Shubman softly
I know it hurts. But remember, these are just words from people who don't matter. What matters is how we feel about each other. I won't let anyone's opinion change how I feel about you. Iam here for you Alia
I love you Alia

Alia feeling emotional
I love you too shub and thank you


Shubman faced the media for the post-match conference. Reporters were eager to ask about the online backlash and Alia's involvement.

Reporter 1
Shubman, there are rumors and trolls blaming Alia Sharma for your recent performance. Do you have any comments on that?

Shubman firmly
First of all, it's unfair and unacceptable to blame someone for a team's performance based on personal relationships. Alia has been nothing but supportive, and these comments are baseless. Our personal lives should not be dragged into professional matters. I don't know why but the people of this country loves to blame women for everything single thing which is unacceptable

Reporter 2
Do you think the relationship has affected your game in any way?

Shubman confidently
Not at all. If anything, Alia's support has been a positive influence on me. I urge everyone to respect our privacy and stop spreading negativity. And I hope this is the last time you troll her if not it's not gonna be this calm the next time.


Alia watched the press conference from her apartment, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. She knew the situation was tough, but Shubman's unwavering support meant the world to her. Later that evening, they spoke on the phone

How are you feeling now?

Better, thanks to you. I just need to learn to ignore the noise.

We'll face this together. And remember, I'm proud to have you by my side, no matter what anyone says.

Alia smiling
I’m proud of you too, Shubman. We’ll show them that love makes us stronger.
Thank you for standing up for us. I know it's not easy, but your support means everything. I love you."

Always. I love you too. We’ll get through this together.


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