remembered to tell... ?

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They both were looking at each other 

Sara : i can't control the tears 

Jungkook put his arm forward and looked at her she nodded then he touched her face and wiped her tears 

Jungkook : don't cry i am sorry 

Sara : no don't say sorry 

Jungkook : hmm 

They both stared at each other and then Sara looked away 

Sara : i am sorry 

Jungkook : no need i like it when you see me with those eyes

Sara : ok 

Jungkook : why did you rejected Taehyung even after you both--

Sara : i did wrong 

Jungkook : oh ok 

Sara : i shouldn't have done that without thinking that i am just giving him a chance

Jungkook : so now you both are not together 

Sara : no we never were 

Jungkook : ok and..... Sara 

Sara : yes 

Jungkook : you won't regret rejecting him 

Sara : i hope so 

Jungkook : hmm now let's go to sleep 

Sara : ok 

Then they both went to her room and then Jungkook went to sleep on the couch and Sara went her bed but she was not able to sleep she was thinking about Jungkook's words she felt really happy after hearing them while Jungkook was staring at her face and smiling after a while both drifted into sleep 


As Jungkook woke up he saw her sleeping like a baby he went towards her but stopped and at a distance and stared at her then went to do his morning routine after a while as Jungkook came downstairs he saw Jimin and Taehyung discussing something serious he sat down 

Jimin : Jungkook did you saw the face of any man when you were captured 

Jungkook : no why what about the mask 

Jimin : the mask has hairs and blood of many people on it the guy was very clever

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Jimin : the mask has hairs and blood of many people on it the guy was very clever

Taehyung : we should still send it to get all the reports we could find a familiar face

Sara : yes he is right * while coming downstairs *

Jimin : oh you came come sit and have your breakfast 

Sara : hmm 

After they all had there breakfast Jimin gave Sara her medicine 

Jimin : now go and rest 

Sara: no now i am fine i am going to work 

Jungkook : no need i will handle it 

Jimin : she is not talking abou--

Sara : ok you go and handle the company work 

Jungkook left for the company and Taehyung also went to give the mask for inspection

Jimin and Sara were sitting on the sofa

Jimin : you didn't told him about your actual work 

Sara : no 

Jimin : why ?

Sara : i don't know 

Jimin : don't you still trust him 

Sara : i don't know 

Jimin : ok * smiling * 

Sara : yaa stop smiling i don't know what i feel 

Jimin : you should first clear everything then think about your feelings 

Sara : hmm 

Jimin : he is the best for you 

Sara looked at Jimin as he nodded 

* time skipped * 

Sara was thinking about what Jimin said to her then suddenly someone knocked on her bedroom door 

Sara : yes 

Jungkook came inside 

Jungkook : Jimin send me here

Sara : oh ok 

Then he went to the washroom to take a shower and Sara got up from her bed and went towards the balcony to take some fresh air after a while Jungkook called her 

Sara : yes what happened

Jungkook : let's go and have dinner 

Sara : ook 

They both went downstairs and sat on the chair as Taehyung and Jimin also joined them then the servants served the food and they started eating 

Taehyung: Sara 

Sara : hmm 

Taehyung : i am sorry about yesterday night i respect from decision of not being with me we still can be friends like old days right 

Sara : it's ok and yes we are friends 

Taehyung : so Jungkook is-

Sara : * coughing * no no 

Jungkook : what ?

Taehyung : nothing 

Jungkook : ok 

They all had dinner and then Jungkook and Sara went to her room 

As Sara changed he waited outside then as he came inside Sara asked him to sit beside her he sat down 

Sara : i want to tell something 

Jungkook : yes tell 

Sara : the thing is that....

Jungkook : don't tell if you don't trust and if you are not comfortable 

Sara : no no i am telling 

Jungkook : ok 

Sara : so... 



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