remembered the comfort ?

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Jungkook : soo... ? 

Sara : my real work is not what i do in the company that is just a secondary work to hide my actual business 

Jungkook : what ? 

Sara : yea my real identity is that i am a mafia and this is our family business 

She told him all about the family business and about the partnership of Taehyung's father and your father 

Jungkook : why did you hide it from me all these years 

Sara : hyung told me not to tell anyone and even i didn't trusted anyone 

Jungkook : so why are you telling me now 

Sara : i think i am starting to trust you  

Jungkook : really ?

 Sara : yes 

Jungkook : so you are a mafia and this is why that guy is after you 

Sara : yes he is one of my enemies '

Jungkook : ok 

Sara : i am sorry i hided it from you 

Jungkook : no don't say sorry i understand you didn't trusted me but now you do and i am happy about that 

Sara : really ?

Jungkook : yes

She became happy and was about to hug him but stopped and looked away Jungkook sat there in shock 

Sara : l- let's sleep 

Jungkook : hmm ok 

Then Jungkook went towards the couch and laid there Sara also laid on her bed and both of them were think about each other and then drifted into sleep 


I woke up at 3 AM and saw that Sara wasn't on her bed i checked the balcony but she wasn't there too so i went downstairs and saw her sitting on the sofa watching TV i went to her 

Jungkook : what are you doing here at this hour 

Sara : i wasn't feeling sleepy so i thought to watch something 

Jungkook : fine but come soon 

Sara : ok 

I was going towards the room when i saw something in the backyard i went there and took the thing in my hand and it was the same a mask of the same design which the unknown guy was wearing but it was not broken it was clean and fixed i took it to the room and laid on the couch to sleep but i couldn't sleep i was scared that something might happen to her i again got up and went to her and saw her sleeping on the sofa i went toward her 

Jungkook ( in mind ) : she will not be able to sleep on the sofa nicely should i take her to the room but i can't without asking her she could get uncomfortable 

Then i saw Jimin coming down 

Jimin : what are you doing her 

I told him everything so he came forward and carried her to the room...

Jungkook : thank you 

Jimin : no need and you could have done that on your own 

Jungkook : no i can't make her feel uncomfortable 

Jimin : you should ask her that can you do this much without her permission or not

Jungkook : are you sure 

Jimin : yes 


I woke up and went to work with Sara she said she is ok so Jimin also let her come to work i dropped her to her company and went to mine 


* time skipped to evening * 

Sara was in her office doing some work as some knocked on the door 

Sara : yes 

Liam entered the room 

Liam : glad to see you ma'am after so many days 

Sara : hmm

Liam : are you ok now 

Sara : yes 

he gave her the files and told her about the projects and work happened in the past few days 

* time skipped to night * 

As all of them had their dinner Jimin and Taehyung went to sleep and Jungkook sat with Sara to watch movie together 

As all of them had their dinner Jimin and Taehyung went to sleep and Jungkook sat with Sara to watch movie together 

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Jungkook : i want to ask something 

Sara : yea go on 

Jungkook : please don't be mad 

Sara : just say it 

Jungkook : ok so... 



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