How Eva effects Chris

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Before I start I would like to say sorry for how long it has taken me to update my life has been busy with school work and what not. I tend to just sit down and right with no before hand planning so you can see why I don't really update much. So here is a new one shot.


Its been 2 months since Dr. Eva Zambrano had left the trauma unit and if you asked anyone they would all say the same thing. Everyone would say that Dr. Chris Deleo hadn't been the same without Eva there. Eva hadn't told anyone she was leaving. One morning she just wasn't there. Everyone knew that Chris would react bad because everyone except Eva knew that Chris liked no loved her. Eva leaving had broken his heart. The one thing no one knew was leaving that leaving the trauma unit and leaving Chris behind had broken Eva's heart.

Its been 6 months since Eva had left and everyone had given up hope that she would come back. Well everyone except Chris who in his heart knew that Eva would one day return to the trauma unit and work with them once again.

Matthew Proctor, Chris Deleo and Serena Warren were just sitting around in the break room when suddenly their pagers went wild.

"Proctor I thought we didn't have anymore incoming."

"We didn't but apparently a trauma patient walked in through the doors then collapsed." They all went rushing and found the patient who had collapsed. The patients face had been beaten really badly and it had completely swelled up. They would have to wait to either the patient could talk or wait for the swelling to go down. That is when they saw the blood. It was escaping the body somewhere and they had to find out soon if they were to save their patient. They rushed their patient you they now knew was a woman into a trauma room. They managed to locate the bleeding. She had been stabbed between two ribs just missing all the important arteries and the heart. She wouldn't be awake for hours so the swelling would probably go down before she even woke up.

"I don't know what it is but I feel like I know this woman." Said Chris to Serena while waiting in the break room once again.

"It's probably nothing Chris."

"But she had a tattoo that I recognized but I just can't place it."

"Maybe you passed her one day in the street and the tattoo stuck in your mind?" That's when Chris had a sudden realization. 

"Oh god. Serena I know where I recognized the tattoo from." And with that Chris rushed out of the room leaving Serena to follow him.

"Chris... Chris. Who does the tattoo belong to? Who is the woman?" Chris stopped and let Serena catch up to him.

"I saw the tattoo in the break room one day."

"Chris I don't understand, who is the woman?" After that Chris broke into a run again and didn't stop until he reached the patients room. Her face was still a bit swollen but Chris was sure he was right. When Serena caught up and looked at the woman lying in the bed she suddenly realized what Chris was talking about.

"Oh my god." Chris rushed into the room. The patient was waking up.

"Who did this to you?" Chris asked quickly. "Eva, who did this to you?" With a tinge of anger in his voice.

"Should I page Proctor?"

"Yes. Page Proctor immediately Serena and tell him it's Eva."


So I assume most of you guessed it was going to be Eva but I had the idea and i wanted to run with it. I wanted Chris to be the one to figure out it was Eva. I might write a part 2 to this. Comment if you think I should. Vote if you think it is worth it. Comment what you thought and/or any prompts you would like me to do. Or you could private message me the prompts if you want. Hope this kind of makes up for not updating in awhile (sorry again for that).

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