How Eva effects Chris (part 2)

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Sorry this has taken awhile school got really busy and life happened. So with many of you requesting a second part I decided why not. 


"About Eva. She should be awake by now."

"Maybe her body just needs time to recover which is why she hasn't woken up yet."

"I guess but it's been two days." Chris' pager beeped. "Shit."


"I gotta go. One of my patients is having some problems."

"Okay talk to you later." And with that their shift became busy once again. It was so busy that no one had noticed the Eva had started to stir in her hospital bed.

A few very busy hours later....

As Chris was walking back into the break room his pager went ballistic. He looked down to see that he were urgently required in Eva's room. With a worried look plastered on his face he sprinted to her room. He rushed into the room only to find Eva sitting there and staring blankly at the wall.

"When did you wake up Eva?"

"What do you mean? How long have I been out for?"

"Two days." Eva looked over at Chris with a shocked look on her face. "Eva how much do you remember about what happened to you?"

"Well I was walking home late at night when someone jumped me. I must have blacked out or something because the next thing I remember is walking through the trauma unit doors."

"So you don't remember anything about your attacker?"

"I would have said so if i did." Eva said clearly annoyed with all the questions.

"Hey look, I'm sorry everyone has just been so worried about you especially me after you just up and left."

"Yeah I heard you had been acting strange without me."

"Where did you here that from?"

"Well only the person who discovered I had woken up. Serena."

"Oh I'm so gonna get her back for saying that." Following there was an awkward sort of silence that neither Chris or Eva knew how to fill. "I know this probably isn't the right time to say this but I really missed you."

"Really? Cause after a while I figured Proctor would just find someone to take my spot."

"He was going to but he couldn't find anyone as good to fill your spot so he just left it."

"Do you think Proctor would let me come back once I was all fixed up?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"I don't know cause he's Proctor."

"Valid point but still you're one of he best trauma surgeons I know."

"Thanks Chris, I know I can always count on you to make me feel better even on the bad days."

"I'm just glad I have to chance to talk and possibly work with you again."


Okay so I know that it was really short and probably didn't make much sense but I tried. If you want me to make a third part of this about her first day back at the job then I will but otherwise I may just come up with a new idea. If you have an idea you want me to write about then either leave a comment or dm me and I will give it a try. Vote if you deem it worthy.

SwanSongDeath out.

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