Chapter 17: Prom Disaster

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Chapter 17: Prom Disaster

WARNING: The following chapter has graphic depictions of violence and death. This also includes sexual content. Read at your own discretion.

Friday, April 26th, 3:25 PM, Jack's Hospital Room, New Hastings Hospital, New Hastings, 20XX.

Jack opens his eyes from taking a nap and sees Musashi sitting in a chair next to him. "Look who's awake. Doc said you'll recover just fine and that you'll probably be released tomorrow or the day after." Musashi says while she starts to sit at the side of his hospital bed. Jack sits up and moves closer to her. He cups her face with his hands and gives her a kiss out of the blue. Musashi breaks off. "That was out of nowhere. I don't mind it but I wasn't expecting it." "I'm sorry, I have just been having really bad anxiety that Remi is gonna come back in full swing. I'm so afraid something is gonna happen to you-" Jack says before Musashi kisses him. "Don't worry about me. Nothing is gonna happen to me. I promise." She says with a soft smile. Jack is brought to tears by how reassuring she is. He knows something big is about to happen. Remi's return is coming, it's just a matter of when and how. "What are you tearing up for?" Musashi asks. "I just- Don't want you to die." She wipes the tears off his face before she gives him a hug. "Let's switch the subject. Prom is in a week. Would you like to go?" Musashi asks while breaking off. "I'd love to, It should be fun and a good way to get my mind off things." Jack says. "Imma have to find a dress that makes me look hot. I'm gonna get going though. I told Ash I would help with a car she has in the shop right now before she leaves for the next Xfinity race. I'll visit again soon." Musashi says before standing up. "Okay, I love you." Jack says. "I love you too." Musashi replies before leaving the room. Jack relaxes and lays back in his hospital bed. He looks up at the ceiling before tears start to form around his lower eyelids. "I- I- I goddamn hope she's right." Jack mumbles before he closes his eyes and falls asleep.


4:00 PM, Sydney and Sara's house, New Hastings.

Sydney is sitting in the dining room on her laptop half asleep. Michelle is asleep across from her. She sees Sara and Amelia walk in holding hands. Sydney smiles. "Well well well. Is this what Michelle didn't wanna tell me?" Sydney asks. "I- I- I can explain- Probably." Sara says in defeat. Sydney stands up from where she's sitting and walks up to the both of them. Sara backs up. "Why are you so afraid? Have you seen who's my romantic partner currently? We're all fruity as fuck in this house. You somehow bagged a girl who rejects everyone according to Ashley. You've told me you're a lesbian. No need to hide who you're dating from me. I'll always support you no matter what sexuality you are." Sydney says. Amelia smiles. Sara goes closer to Sydney and gives her a big hug. "Thank you sis. I've needed this today. Everyone at school has been making fun of us. Someone threw a rock at my car and dented one of the fenders. Another person keyed the paint on it too. It's just been a bad day. Probably one of the worst days I have ever had." "I get it, people who were even the slightest but LGBTQ at school were bullied and harassed into suicide. That's why I hid that I was bisexual for so long." Sara lets go of Sydney. Her and Amelia start holding hands again. "Well, Sara... Prom is in a week. Would you wanna go with me?" Amelia asks. "Of fuckin' course I would! I just love you that much. Let's go have one hell of a time." Sara says. Amelia faces Sara and gives her a long and deep kiss. "Get a room, you two!" Sydney teases. "Man, can't have shit in this household." Sara says jokingly. "Imma go run some errands. Tell Michelle that when she wakes up. But don't tell her this. I'm gonna take her GT. I haven't driven it in a while." Sydney says as she takes the lanyard from the table. "You got it sis. See you later." Sara says with a smile. Sydney walks over to the door and opens it. She exits the house before sighing deeply. Sydney walks over to Michelle's car and hops in it. She turns on the ignition and the 3.5 Liter Twin Turbo V6 roars to life. Sydney puts it into reverse and carefully backs out of the driveway and then drives off towards her destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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