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The car ride was heavy with silence, the kind that presses down on your shoulders and makes breathing feel like a chore. I kept my eyes firmly on the road, aware of Alejandro Balde's presence beside me. He had turned his body as far away from me as possible in the confined space, staring out the window at the passing streets of Barcelona. I let out a frustrated sigh, reaching out to adjust the radio. The soft hum of music filled the car, but it did little to ease the tension.

Agreeing to give Alejandro a ride to our families' joint gathering had been a mistake. I was a people pleaser and couldn't say no, especially when our mothers had looked at me with such hopeful eyes. But now, with him sitting silently beside me, I regretted it deeply.

Our mothers had been best friends since their university days, so Alejandro and I had known each other since childhood. Despite the close connection between our families, we'd never gotten along. He was the star footballer, a golden boy with a promising future, while I was just Indiyah, the girl next door with hazel green eyes and light coily curls, forever in his shadow. Our earliest memory of friction was at a childhood birthday party where he'd accidentally, or so he claimed, spilled juice all over my new dress. The incident set the tone for our interactions thereafter.

"How much longer?" Alejandro's voice broke through my thoughts.

"About ten more minutes," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. I didn't want to start another argument, not today.

He nodded slightly, his expression unreadable. I glanced at him briefly, noting the tension in his jaw. It was clear he wasn't any happier about this situation than I was.

Our last confrontation had been at a community event a few weeks ago. Alejandro had made a snide remark about my aspirations to become a graphic designer, and I had fired back, tired of his constant underestimation. Our mothers had had to step in, their concern palpable as they diffused the situation.

"Listen, Alejandro," I began hesitantly, "can we try to keep it civil today? For our moms' sake?"

He turned to look at me, his eyes narrowing slightly. For a moment, I thought he would retort with another sarcastic comment, but then he sighed, leaning back in his seat.

"Alright, Indiyah. Let's just get through today without any drama," he agreed, though his tone was begrudging.

I nodded, a small weight lifting off my shoulders. Maybe we could manage to be civil for a few hours. As we approached the familiar neighborhood where our families awaited, I couldn't help but hope that today would be different. That perhaps, we could find a way to coexist without the constant bickering.

The house came into view, a place filled with so many memories, both good and bad. I parked the car and turned off the engine, taking a deep breath before stepping out. Alejandro did the same, his posture tense but composed.

Our mothers greeted us warmly, their faces lighting up with joy. They didn't need to know about the silent war that had waged in the car. For their sake, we plastered on smiles and followed them inside, ready to play the part of dutiful children.

As the afternoon progressed, I found myself stealing glances at Alejandro. He was effortlessly charming with everyone else, his laughter infectious and his smile dazzling. It was a stark contrast to the cold, distant person I was used to dealing with. For a moment, I wondered if there was more to him than I had allowed myself to see.

But then, he caught me looking and his expression hardened, reminding me of the barrier that always existed between us. I turned away, focusing on the conversation with my brother, Diego. He was the only one who knew the full extent of our animosity and had tried countless times to mediate.

"How's it going?" Diego asked quietly, his eyes flicking between Alejandro and me.

"We're managing," I replied with a small smile. "No fights so far."

"That's a start," he said, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

The day wore on, filled with laughter, stories, and the warmth of family. Despite the underlying tension between Alejandro and me, we managed to keep up appearances. It wasn't perfect, but it was a step in the right direction.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the backyard, I found myself standing alone by the fence, lost in thought. Alejandro approached, his footsteps soft on the grass.

"Hey," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle.

"Hey," I replied, turning to face him.

"Thanks for the ride," he said, his gaze meeting mine. "And for trying to keep things civil."

"You're welcome," I said, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Let's hope we can keep it up."

He nodded, a tentative truce forming between us. It wasn't much, but it was something. And for now, that was enough.

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