crashing down.

24 1 5


"Ah.. Kenneth phelps please take a seat."
- ?????? ??. Said

"what's wrong. Is Travis alright I don't understand what happened"
- Kenneth said holding his hand to his heart

He was acting like.. a father? Yet... he was the one who caused my pain, my suffering, my grudge.

"please relax and take a breath, Travis is fine and doing well I just have a few questions to ask. But first let me introduce myself"
- ?????? ??. Said

"My name is officer amiee. But just call me officer a. Please understand that this conversation is being recorded and anything you do say will be used against you in court."
- officer a said.

Kenneth's eyes widened and lips went blue he looked up at the camera and nodded slowly

"okay. So, as we looked on Travis's body for any other injuries we saw a lot of... well.. bruises scars burns.. do you have any ideas of where they are from or what they were caused by?"
- officer a said

"no.. my son always goes out at night to random places so maybe he got them from one of those places!. And about the scars I found out he had been.. you know.. self.. h@rming.. but I told him to stop and he said he did and I thought that was it.."
- Kenneth said

He almost sounded like he cared like he actually was a father figure most of my life like he treated me like a real human and not some slave that he could keep in a cage and get to do whatever he asked not some hideous monster he could just downgrade for fun or to humiliate me and make me feel insecure.....

Like a dad. Like my dad.

"okay.. and you didn't get angry at all and maybe lash out on him?"
- officer a. Asked

"not at all I would never physically assault my son"
- Kenneth gasped

The officer would look at him then down at her note pad

"okay.. and do you have any other ideas how he may have ended up bloody on the side of the road?"
- officer a. Asked

"I'm not to sure officer."
- Kenneth said

The officer nodded

"You may go see him if you like"
- officer a. Nodded

Kenneth got up and walked into the room seeing me lying there tubes connected to nearly every vain my my hair laying gently across my face and my bruised face my scarred wrists visible in my hospital gown

Kenneth looked down at me

"Oh Travis.. oh dear travis.. if only you could see it was for the better."
- Kenneth smiled

"if only you could see that bridge was maybe a blessing.. if only you could see that you are a sin."

Kenneth stroked my hair gently and smirked

"If only.."
- he mummered 

He got up and sighed walking out the room

- 10 hours later -

I was awoken by the sound of nurses doing check up I opened my eyes and coughed looking around as to where i was

"Where am I.."
- I groaned my voice groggy from the soreness

"He's awake!! Doctor o. He's awake!"
- the nurse smiled

Doctor o rushed towards me

"Travis is everything alright? Any pain or aching?"
- doctor o asked

"No.. where's.. where.. who??"
- id say confused

"Let me explain to you."
- doctor o said putting his glasses on

"We found you. Bleeding on the side of the road after trying to take an attempt?"
- he'd say seeing if I remembered

"At the bronze river bridge?"
- he said

My eyes would widen as my memory slowly regained itself

"Mm.. and we took you here all to the thanks of uhm how do I pronounce it.. Sal.. fisher?"
- he nodded

Id look at him

"S-sorry.. w-why..?"
- id muster

"Well.. they claim to be your friend does that sound right to you Travis?"
- doctor o asked

- id smile slowly

"now do you feel well enough to eat?"
- doctor o asked

Id nod
He helped me up connecting the IV tube to me

"We have pasta and water with brownie for dessert?"
- the doctor smiled

"Yes please.."
- id say waddling with him to get food

I'm alive..
I'm fucking alive..
where's my dad..

"uhm.. doctor o?"
- id say

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow

"Where's my father?"
- id say

He looked down then looked at me his expression going blank

"Under investigation."
- doctor o. Said

my world finally saw colour
It wasn't oh what if my father finds out
It wasn't oh what about my father
It wasn't oh when my father father figures out

It was over.

war was over

- a voice said

Id look at the doors of the cafeteria

well for the most part war only just began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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