Chapter 67 - Enough is enough. You deserve better. Let's move on

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T: 🤯Woah Waanjai and Phiball are really coming together today. I heard it on the EFM radio on my way to work. Fans are demanding a public apology for Gulf in regards to what happened at the sports day event.🙃

M: 😠Yes it was a ridiculous mistake that should have never happened and fans aren't impressed. That channel has mistreated and taken advantage of him and his fans since the beginning. Now that he refuses to renew his contract with them they become this careless. 😤

T: 🙁It's so unprofessional bro you should find the best lawyer team and sue the hell out of them. I read a thread a dedicated fan put together of all the known things that fans have noticed over the years and their not just little mistakes. The biggest one was having his name misprinted on an award that fans paid money to vote for. I'm not gonna say the whole company is sabotaging him but they are helping to hide who ever is and it's not okay.😤

M: 😒I agree. My Tuaeng came home last night looking so exhausted and worn out even more than the airport incident the day before. He is heartbroken not at the channel for the incident but more for all the hurt it has caused fans on his behalf. Fans were already making a big deal about it last night and now this trend demanding a public apology is too much for him. I'm not saying the fans shouldn't do it. If this is what it takes to trigger some action from them, so be it. But he says he feels a bit like Type who made the front page article when he was abused. He doesn't like all this focus on him as a victim and has chosen to sleep and block it all out. Until my event later I am just consoling him, trying to help him relax. I am scrolling through X for both of us and finding the positive messages to him so he doesn't feel worse.😔

T: 😲Wow. Whoever did this really must be jealous of Gulf and his success but at least Gulf kept a smile on his face and continued on professionally while in front of fans and cameras. I applaud him for holding it together till he was safe in your arms. What about his ankle. I saw he had a minor trip during one of the activities and was seen to by the medical team?😟

M: 😔Yes, another reason he is choosing to rest fully today. He has been advised to take it easy for the next 2 or 3 days and if it starts hurting he was given some medicine to apply. I have helped him apply it twice so far.Once when he got home last night and once after he got up to use the bathroom. Both times I was carrying half his weight so he really does need to rest.😕

T: 😕Woah that doesn't sound good at all and all this drama and stress would only make the little pain he is feeling worse. Is someone going to look after him while you're at the event later?🤔

M: 😌Mae is here and P'Best said he would come to check on him later so I think he will be okay. I don't want to leave him at all but the add for my participation in today's Toyota event was already released. It would be too sus to cancel on them last minute.🙃

G: 😌Don't worry about me Sunshine I'm okay. I just need to rest that's all.😘

T: 😃Gulfie OMG how are you feeling. Are you still in pain? it sounds like maybe you sprained your ankle or something?🥺

G: 👋Hi P'Tul I'm okay it's not that bad. I just need to stay off my feet for a while.😌

T: 🧐So everything I'm hearing on Social Media really happened right? They forgot to show your name and didn't give you camera time. They treated your fans badly and they even tried to blame you for it in the end. Why are you still with them Nong? If your contract is over just drop them and get out of there. You deserve better.😠

G: 😅You sound like a passionate fan. Yeah I know. I'd like to believe them that it was a mistake but they even didn't inform me of the full dress code. That was the first thing noticed and then the Que Call humiliation. I was shocked. we practiced this and I was meant to turn just before my name was shown but when I turned it wasn't there nor was I. I didn't know what to do until N'Mikey came and pulled me over to join them. It was then I decided to go out with a Bang so I put my biggest smile on and put extra effort into every activity that's why I got injured probably. I may have overdone it with the extra adrenaline I had. I was determined to still enjoy this event with the fans and also to have my time with them after and then I could walk away from all this with no regrets proudly. The trending tag wasn't part of the plan though. I appreciate my fans love and care and it is heartwarming to see my Phiballs cooperating with Waanjai on this matter too but I can't guarantee it will work. Perhaps the only good thing that will come of it is that I will be able to come forward and say I am no longer under contract without concern about the lakorn suffering as a result. This is a good enough reason for me to leave so no one will question it. There is definitely someone in the company who knows more but won't say anything. I don't know who but I feel like certain members of staff have started glaring at me since I refused to renew my contract but let's just see what happens.😌

M: 😔I know you don't like conflict and violence YaiNong but they really have gone too far this time. We should open a lawsuit against all the mistreatment you have received under their contract including the excessive restrictions on who you could be seen with etc. They need to pay for what they've put you through and all the suffering and difficult times you've endured. It's not okay at all.😤

G: 😌I want them to pay too Boo but not yet. A public apology would be nice that's a start and then plans can go ahead but if they don't apologise my first step is to announce the termination of my contract, after that we'll see what can be done.😉😎

T: 👏You are one strong human Nong. I wouldn't endure that kind of treatment for any money. Nor would Mew as he has proven already.😌

M: 😌No need to mention that Puen. Anyway enough is enough you deserve better let's move on. I have to leave soon but I can't leave without giving you a proper cuddle therapy session. It will also recharge me cause without it I will find it hard to hide my true feelings of worry for my Faen who I had to leave at home.🥺

T: 😅I'll leave you to it then Boys. Happy Snuggle time and susu with your job later Mew. 🤙You too Gulfie rest well. You have so much support surrounding you, there's no need to worry.😉😎

M: 🤙Thanks Bro

G: 🙏🏼Thanks P'Tul

Authors note: Was it too short? I found it hard to write about this so I made it a short update in the middle of the day rather than a nights session.😅🙏

Operation W - The show must go on.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang