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Hi guys let's start with the new update plss vote and comment down
Maan- nandu...?? Open ur eyes nandu..??plss open ur eyes. He whispered with shaky voice manik became shocked he looked at maan with anger+ fear

Mnk-ma..an!u..u know her..he asked maan became shocked he looked at him

Maan- hn she is ur nandini! I mean she's my frnd i met her before 1½ month wo she helped me in rain! He said

Mnk- u knew her toh why didn't u said me!

Maan- I didn't knew it was her! I left that day out for some work when u made her sketch trust me manik! It's nothing like u think!
He said assuring him

Mnk- uk i trust u! It's ok let her gain conscious!

Maan- but how did this happened! Ye iss halat Mai!

Mnk- actually (he said everything) so I just locked her but i didn't knew she would get panic attack..he was completing when maan got up and yelled at him

Maan-are u mad?????? Huh!! Is this the way u treat the girl u love! He yelled

Mnk- maan!relax. He said while nandini opened her eyes hearing her loud voice
She saw maan her eyes glittered she ran and hugged him unknowingly manik boiled in anger seeing it

Nan-thank you soo much maan u came aap aagaye (u came) plss save me from him. She cried clutching his sleeves maan looked at manik whose eyes were turning red seeing her hugging him
Maan patts her back and broked hug

Maan- nandu that's not like that hn hes not bad! Trust me! He whispered while his hands intentionally touched her earrings which got unnoticed by manik

Nan- noo..he..he..

Maan- nandu relax hn relax. He said and looks at manik who was looking like a wounded lion he knew how obsessive dominating manik is for his belongings and rn nandini belonged to him

Mnk- maan can u give US some privacy i need to talk my angel. He said calmly but that calmness was not actually calm


Mnk- plss buddy. He said assuring tone maan looked at nandini who was nodding In no in fear he sighed looking at manik he knew if he won't leave it would be harmful for nandini
He left out nandini ran to door but manik came and locked the door

Mnk- baby! Where are u going come hug me the way u hugged him come aao! He said lovingly stretching his arms she shivered

Nan- plss let me go..

Mnk- angel! What's this come hug me!he said Calmly nandini moved back clutching her kurti in fear

Nan- plss..

Mnk- arrey (he pulled her into forcefull hug) aisa hi nhi u were hugging him clutching his shirt do it with me clutch my shirt rest ur head  on my chest too. He said clutching her tightly it wasn't hug it was just a torture

Nan-you..are hurting me! She sobbed

Mnk- hurting! Ur doing it ur hurting me kaise hn? Kaise u hugged him only I've right on u. He said broking hug and clutching her shoulders tightly

Nan- plss stop this i want to go. She cried

Mnk- Ok (he left her she was shocked seeing this) but in return say me that u love me too. He said casually

Nan- n..o..o. She said in shock.

Mnk- then be here with me!

Nan-no plss i don't love u i don't even know u let me goo..maan. she screamed Maan's name he became angry and pulled her closer palming her mouth

Mnk- maan!will not come u know why because he is my brother! My trustworthy! So better shut ur mouth and obey me say me those words and i let u go. He said leaving her

Nan- I..I...lo..ve...y..o..u. She stammered with no option left she wants to soon otherwise her chachi would not spare her

Mnk- oo nandu i love u Soo much. He said and hugged her nandini became shocked this man is scary!

Nan- aab let me go na. She said pushing him a bit

Mnk- hn come i will drop u love! He said

Nan-no..chachi will scold me plss. She said

Mnk- but..

Nan- no..plss. She cried he nodded nandini took her belongings and was leaving when he hold her pulled her into kiss.
After sometime he broked kiss nandini was crying silently

Mnk-see you again soon love. He said caressing her lips she ran away.
Maan saw her going
He entered in room

Maan- what happened?

Mnk- i made her say those three magical words. He smirked

Maan- ur such an monster! He said in disbelief manik laughed like pysco

Scene change
Nandini was in auto she was wipping her tears continuing her cries

Nan- he such an monster i hate him. She cried

Screen freeze
Author's note:- so maan came nandu was saved maybe! But want to see maan and nandu's flashback?

I hope you like it

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Alfiya 💗

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