Suna Rintarou

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𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽

"Tell me that this is not true." You said, tears swelling in your eyes. You looked at Suna as you threw your phone at him.

"What the fuck Y/N? Why are you throwing your phone?" Suna said, barely catching your phone.

"What the fuck is this?" You asked.

Suna stilled. He looked at your phone, unlocked. A video of him making out with a girl played on the screen. Suna recognised the girl and the background. It was a few nights before. He went to Atsumu's party and got wasted. He didn't remember this happening but everybody told him about it. Every nerve in Suna's body chilled. The guilt had been eating him down since that day. He couldn't man up and tell you about this because it would mean losing you. And he didn't wanna lose you, he didn't want this to end.

"Y/N, I-"

"No excuses Suna. Just tell me if this is true or not." You said, tears flowing down your face.

You couldn't believe that this was happening. You didn't want to think that this was happening. This morning you woke up to Atsumu calling you. You picked up and he told you to check your messages immediately. You were confused, to say the least. Atsumu was a friend to Suna, you and him didn't talk much. You were confused about why he was telling you to see your messages. You opened his text and it was a video. You clicked on the video and saw what it was about. 

Your heart stopped for a second. It felt like everything had stopped. There was this weird ringing sound in your ears and everything except the video seemed blurred. Your mind didn't seem to understand what was happening. You looked at the video playing on repeat. Your friend was on Suna's lap, and they were making out. His hands roamed all over her body, showing no signs of being forced. You scoffed. Tears immediately took place in your eyes.

"Yes, it's true." He said, keeping the phone on the nightstand. 

You looked at him. You didn't know what to say or what to do. You didn't know how to react. How would you react when you find out that your boyfriend of 3 years had cheated on you with your friend? How would you react when your boyfriend is standing in front of you, admitting that he cheated on you?

"Y/N please, let me explain," Suna said, coming towards you. You took a few steps back, stopping him. His heart burned at your action.

"Explain." You said. You wiped your tears and folded your hands against your chest.

"Honestly, I have nothing to explain-"

"You came home after that night. You slept in the same bed as me. You kissed me with the same lips you kissed her. You held me with the same hands that touched her body. You talked to me for 4 days like nothing happened? You took me on a date pretending to be all happy and loving after you fucking cheated on me?" You softly said, looking at the ground.

He just looked down. He had nothing to say. You waited for an explanation, an excuse or anything for that matter. You wanted him to say something, something that would validate his actions. You needed him to talk. To explain why the fuck did he cheat on you.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I didn't do it intentionally."

"You show no signs of being forced. You look like you're having the time of your life." You said, chuckling and turning around.

You couldn't believe that you were saying this. You put your hand on your forehead. And you cried. You let the emotions get the best of you.

"How could you fucking do this to me?" You said going towards him. Suna too, had tears in his eyes. His face was full of guilt. Shit, why did I fucking do that? he thought. He tried to say something but you interrupted him.

"You said you loved me. You said you'd love me forever. You said that I was the girl you wanted to marry. You fucking liar." You kept hitting him on the chest but he didn't budge. 

You gave up. You put your hands against his chest and you cried. He let you. He knew what he did was wrong. He didn't know what to do. He wanted you to stay but he knew you wouldn't. Nobody would. He put his arms around your shoulders and let himself cry.

"I do love you. I will love you forever. You are the girl I wanna marry. I am so fucking sorry that this happened Y/N. Trust me when I say, I was fully conscious at that time. That girl had been by my side all night even when I said I had a girlfriend. Osamu made me try this new drug that they explored and they wanted me to try it first. I know this explanation means nothing to you, but trust me Y/N, trust me this one last time that I didn't do it. I don't know what I was doing. Please believe me." Suna explained, crying his eyes out.

He fell on the ground, at your feet. He grabbed your thighs and put his head on your stomach. He hugged you and cried. You had never seen Suna cry. Let alone, like this. Although it did nothing to soothe the pain in your heart. You didn't know whether you should forgive him or leave him. Your heart couldn't bear leaving the love of your life. But your mind said, once a cheater, always a cheater.

You had seen couples live happily after they forgave each other. You wanted that. You wanted to forgive Suna. You didn't wanna lose him. But you also didn't know whether to trust him again or not. You couldn't trust him. You knew that even if you got back with him, you'd always be suspicious and insecure. Nobody wants a relationship like that.

"I need some time to think about it." You said, detaching yourself from him. You sniffled and wiped your tears. 

"Y/N, I love you-"

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have done that. You wouldn't have done something that you knew would hurt me. If you loved me, it would've shown." 

Author's Note:

Part 2?

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