This Heart, It Beats, Beats For Only You

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Char's POV

I honestly can't wait to get home tonight. Mia has been away for such a long time and she's come back today, she's waiting there for me. I almost rush to tidy away and lock up so I can leave work and go and see my Mia. I rake through my bag, finding my car keys, and I then hastily open my car. I check my phone before setting off and see Mia has sent a message. 'See you soon, sweetheart xx' God that name makes me weak at the knees. I come close to forgetting how to drive due to my excitement, causing a huge wave of relief to wash over me as I approach the driveway. I walk into my house and see Mia. But something's not right.

She's huddled up on the sofa, but not in a comfortable way. Her head is in her hands, the sea of red attempting to hide it. I hear muffled cries above the noise coming from the TV. Her breath is shaky, and so is the rest of her body. I approach the distraught woman slowly, trying not to scare her. I fear she hasn't heard me walk in so I try to be as quiet as possible. As I reach her, I bring out my hand and whisper her name to her. She looks up at me, eyes red and glossy, makeup smeared across her face. "Hey hey hey baby, what's wrong?" I ask her, brushing hair out of her face and bringing her into my embrace. "I- I don't know, I was just watching TV and started crying and then I couldn't breathe" she forces out through shaky breaths. "Come on shift up, let me in," I urge her. I grab a blanket and lay it over us, and I let Mia come to me first. She rests her head on my shoulder. After a while, we both move further into the sofa, the redhead lying between my legs, her head on my chest, my hand tangling through her hair. She kisses my stomach and I realise her breath is still shaky.

"Rest your head on me, do you hear my heart?" I look at her, she nods in response. "Keep listening to it, you know this heart beats for only you, my heart is yours, baby." I feel her smile against me, slowly feeling her breath relax against me. The atmosphere becomes calmer and calmer by the second. I traced tiny patterns on her scalp with my nails, feeling my fingers run through her soft hair. "I love you," the redhead utters under her breath before falling asleep on me. I hold her, I'd hold her like this forever if I could.

Mia's POV

I wake up, still in Char's arms. The first thing I hear is her heartbeat, steady although slightly quickened. "Hey, sweetheart," I yawned, placing soft kisses on the brunette's chest. "Hey sleepyhead, feeling any better now?" she asks me. I nestle back into her, softly nodding. "I never want this moment to end, I love being close to you," she purred, holding me closer than she ever had before.

A/N - this is short and terrible but i haven't written in a few days so i wanted to get something out

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