Betrayal and Revenge: Part 1

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The next day, the group gathered early, their minds set on the mission ahead. Harry, Susan, Marcus, Dave, Daniel, and Jamal reviewed the plan one more time. They decided to drive to Rochester Castle, which was a bit of a distance. While Harry and Jamal were meeting Neil the previous day, the others had mapped out the best route to avoid any major issues.

"We should be able to make it without running into too much trouble," Marcus said, pointing at the map. "But we'll need to be careful. Robert's forces could be anywhere."

Susan nodded. "We'll stop a mile before the castle and walk the rest of the way. We don't want to alert Robert or his minions."

The drive was tense but uneventful. The roads were eerily empty, the remnants of chaos evident in the abandoned vehicles and ruined buildings. The group kept their eyes peeled for any signs of danger.

As they neared their destination, Harry turned to the group. "Everyone ready? This is it."

They all nodded, their expressions determined. They parked the car a mile away from the castle and began the trek on foot. The closer they got, the more cautious they became, their senses heightened and weapons at the ready. Harry's heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation.

As they approached Rochester Castle, they were surprised by how strong the security was. Undead creatures, twisted and grotesque, patrolled the perimeter. The castle itself loomed in the distance, its ancient walls now a fortress of dark magic.

"We'll need to split up and take them out quietly," Harry whispered. "We can't afford to raise the alarm."

Jamal nodded. "I'll take the left flank with Daniel. Harry, you and Marcus take the right. Susan and Dave, cover the center. Move swiftly and strike hard."

They split into their groups, moving silently through the shadows. The undead monsters guarding the entrances were formidable, but the group was well-prepared. They had trained for this, and their teamwork was seamless.

Harry and Marcus crept along the right side, their movements synchronized. As they approached the first undead guard, Marcus used his Shadowblade skills to blend into the darkness, his daggers striking with deadly precision. Harry followed up with a swift attack, ensuring the creature was down for good.

On the left flank, Jamal and Daniel worked together seamlessly. Jamal's stealth and speed allowed him to take out guards swiftly, while Daniel's Radiant Guardian abilities provided powerful, precise strikes.

Susan and Dave held the center, their attacks coordinated and efficient. Susan's magic and healing spells kept them strong, while Dave's swordsmanship cut through the undead with precision.

One by one, the undead guards fell. The group moved quickly and quietly, eliminating the initial defenses without raising an alarm. As the last of the outer guards fell, they regrouped near the castle's main entrance.

"We did it," Susan whispered, her eyes scanning the area for any remaining threats. "But this was just the first step."

Harry nodded, feeling a mix of relief and tension. "The real challenge lies inside. We need to stay sharp and stick to the plan."

Jamal grinned, a fierce determination in his eyes. "Let's give Robert a surprise he won't forget."

They moved toward the castle's entrance, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and resolve. The battle ahead would be their toughest yet, but they knew they had the strength and unity to face whatever lay within.

As they entered the castle, the darkness seemed to close in around them. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the faint sounds of Robert's dark magic echoed through the halls. They moved cautiously, the oppressive atmosphere weighing heavily on their spirits.

Harry looked at his companions, their faces set with determination. "This is it. Let's finish what we started."

The group nodded, their expressions resolute. As they ventured deeper into the castle, the tension grew. Every creak of the floorboards, every distant whisper of wind, set their nerves on edge. They were ready for whatever horrors Robert had prepared for them.

 They were ready for whatever horrors Robert had prepared for them

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