This summer's gonna hurt

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"Maddy it's for the best" my mother had said. For the best, my ass. So it was for the best to move from my homeland Isle of Skye, Scotland to frickin Luxembourg. I wouldn't have minded going back to England, we could take the overnight ferry to the Isle of Skye but Luxembourg? That would be a hell of a long trip. And what about my friends? We might not be able to take my horses and what about skiing? Would we still be able to go to the French alps or would Mum say it's to expensive? I was pretty sure skiing would be fine, we had quite a lot of money. My mum was a famous singer/actress/pianist and my dad an Olympic ski racing champion. My dad has to keep on skiing. But my horses? Victoria and Boudicca?
"Madeleine come down" mum yelled.
"Fine" I half-sobbed, half-whispered. I walked downstairs taking as much time as possible. I reluctantly entered the kitchen. My mum was sitting on the table looking at me sympathetically.
"Sweetie, we have to make sacrifices for some things" she smiled. "It's best if you and Caitlin grow up somewhere else, safer and not as well-known" My sister Caitlin was my twin and my best friend.
"You know that you two are already famous?" I nodded carefully, I had been in the papers with Caitlin the other day.
"Mum I just don't want to leave" I whispered.
"Come here my bonnie*" I trod over to mum and she wrapped here beauty full arms around me. She has the most gorgeous strawberry blonde hair just like me and Caitlin. Her eyes were sapphire blue but mine and Caitlin's were emerald green. We look a lot like mum and a bit like Dad. Dad, you can tell he's Scottish so easily.
"I know that all your friends are here but remember you've got Lia, Abi, Kaylan and Emily" mum gave me a heart warming smile. Lia and Kaylen my god-sisters and Abi and Emily, there closest friends.
"But I'm not going to have many friends, I'm not gonna be popular or anything..." I trailed off.
"Bonnie it doesn't matter, you and Caitlin are going to be in the same class with a good friend of ours as a teacher"
"Whooooooo?" I said excitedly.
"Ms. Kinnen" mum grinned. I gawk at her.
"Our auntie" I gaped at mum in shock.
"But you must call her Ms. Kinnen" mum added sternly. "Now go up to your room and pack your overnight bag, you're going to Nim and Skye's"
"Oh yassss bitches" I whooped.
"Language Walmsley" mum winked.
I raced upstairs. Then I remembered I'm leaving in two months. Oh and on top of that we weren't going to Canada that year. I packed my bag, trying to keep my mind focused on Nim and Skye my best friends.

When I finished packing my make up back, I grabbed my clothes bag and got on to Victoria. I know that you don't normally travel by horse nowadays but on the isle of Skye it's one of the easiest way. If you want to take 30 minutes to get to Skye's house, take the car. She lives on the other side of our Loch. The road takes you around one of the mountains that's why it takes so long. I plugged my headphones into my IPhone 6 and shuffled my playlist. When can I see you again - Owl City came on, one of my favorites. Right now it was describing my life really well.
Before I hit the road, I need to know something; when can we do this again, when will I see you again?
I hum along and race through the fields with Victoria and eventually arrive at Skye's place.

At 3 am in the morning Nim turns on my music:
Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold
But you'll remember me, remember me for centuries
Just one mistake, is all that it takes
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
Hey hey hey
Remember me for centuries
"See that's us" Skye boasted playfully.
"We're the best of the best" reassured Nim. "No matter where we are"
I remembered is falling asleep a few hours later.....

I hope you liked this chapter, it's not very long but I'm at a camp and I didn't bring my laptop:( so I have to type on my IPod touch and its rather annoying


*bonnie ~ Scottish for beautiful


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